17. Ex boyfriend ?

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Agastya's Pov

*Ring Ring

*Ring Ring

I turned around to take a look at who is calling.

'Hello Sir.'

'Ritam ?'

'Yes Sir.'

'Tell me.' I said, rubbing the sleep off my eyes.

'Sir actually Miss Sengupta called up and asked if it's possible to schedule a meeting with her regarding the interior of our hotel today at 11:00 AM.'

'What's the time now ?' I asked.

'9:45 AM sir.'

'Right. Ok. I will be there by 11:00. Let her know.'

'Alright Sir.'

I turned around to take a look at the sleeping beauty snuggling into me.



'Mmmhhh.' A muffled sound came out of her.

'I need to get up. I am leaving for the office.'

'Mmmhhh.' She mumbled.

I decided to let her sleep some more and got up from the bed.

Should I leave a note ? I pondered while getting ready.

Vaani's Pov

'Shit ! For how long am I sleeping ?' I got up with a jerk and immediately regretted doing so.

'Fucking hangover.'

I took a look at my phone to see that it's already 10:30 AM.


'I guess he left for work.' I mumbled to myself and got up from the bed.

After coming out of the shower my eyes fell on the chit of a folded paper lying on the bed table.

'Vaani, I had to leave for an important meeting. Take this medicine if the headache is pretty bad. See you in the evening.

- Agastya'

'What about the kiss ?'

'Great !'

'No mention about it.'

'But if he says that he is sorry about it then I am giving him a divorce then and there.' I said remembering the past few incidents.

In the office (6:30 PM)


'Yes Sahana.'

'Ma'am, someone named Dev Dixit is waiting outside to meet you.'

'Dev Dixit ?'

'Ahh. Dev. Let him in.'

'May I come in ma'am ?' Someone asked from the other end the door.

'You may.' I said, trying to act serious.

'Hello ma'am. Can I have your attention please ?'


'Oh ! Come on.'

I looked up at him. Dr. Dev Dixit, my childhood buddy, a doctor by profession.

'Belated happy birthday little bean.' He said holding a bouquet of chocolates and grinning ear to ear.

'Where have you been Dev ? No calls, no messages. Where were you ?'

'Right. Umm...by mistake all my contacts got deleted. Also, I was in States for two years. I am here for a seminar so thought of catching up with you and those two lovebirds. Talking of them, how are they ?'

'They are weird and still in love.' I said, smiling.

'And what about you ?' He asked.

'What about me ?'

'I mean I did hear that you got married and all.'

'Right. That happened.'

'So, when do I get to meet him ?  I am staying only for a week and half.'

'Gimme a call and come over for dinner whenever you are free.'

'Ok, now give me yours and those two lovebirds number. But first, where is my hug ?'

'Still childish, I see.' I smiled, hugging him.

'You free now ma'am ?' He asked.

'Will be all done within 15 minutes.'

'Alright. Let's catch up over some coffee. Now, can I take a look around your office ?'

'You may.'

We went to a nearby coffee shop and had our best time updating us about each other.

'Dev, what are you doing tonight ?'

'If you are asking about my plans, then nothing.'

'Then come over for dinner today only.'

'Are you sure ?'


'Then let's get going.' I chuckled seeing his over enthusiastic state.

Agastya's Pov

I got inside my house and was greeted by the sight of an unknown man and noises coming from the kitchen.

Vaani must be in the kitchen but who is this guy now ?

'Excuse me, do I know you ?' I asked.

He turned at me and said, 'Your wife does.'

'I see. May I ask what is your relation with her ?'

Before he could answer, Vaani interrupted, 'Dev listen...oh Agastya' she stopped upon noticing me.

'Dev, meet Agastya, my husband and Agastya....'

'Let me introduce myself since he asked me earlier.' This Dev named guy interrupted her.

'Hii Agastya, I am Dev Dixit, Vaani's ex-boyfriend.'

'What ?' I asked.

'Dev...' Vaani said hitting him lightly on the arm.

On return, he whispered something to her making her stiffle a smile.

What the hell ?

Am I invisible to them ?

And why is Vaani smiling so much in front of her ex boyfriend ?

'Guys, I am here too.'

'Right. Agastya actually you know before the whole boyfriend girlfriend scene happened we were childhood buddies and we are back to being that now. So don't be puzzled dude.'

What nonsense is that ?

And why will I be puzzled ?

Can I just throw him out ? 



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