12. Denial

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Agastya's Pov

It has been two days since that blackout incident and it has been only a day and a half since we arrived in Goa.

Yesterday we checked in the Taj hotel after our 3 hours flight and didn't really go anywhere.

Well, Vaani went out for evening walk but I stayed in our suite assembling my thoughts. Vaani didn't talk much after that incident except for necessity purposes. 

What should I do to stop her from giving me the cold shoulder ? It's my fault I agree but I don't even know why I acted out of place.

I was engrossed in my phone, listing things about what I should do to make the situation normal when someone snatched my phone out of my hands.

And to my bad luck it was Vaani.

'Wow !' Vaani exclaimed, her eyes on my phone screen.

'Vaani, give back my phone.'

'No, let me read what's in your to do list to stop me from giving you the silent treatment.' She said, raising an eyebrow and giving me a smug smile.


'Not a chance !' Saying so she dashed towards the bedroom.

Vaani's Pov

I make it into our bedroom and try to slam the door in his face, but his big hand catches it and thrusts it back open. I lunge to jump over my bed, hoping to make it to the washroom where I can lock the door. But Agastya grabs my hips mid jump and hauls me down onto the bed.

He flips me over so my shoulder hit the mattress and he's hovering over me, arms pinning me in on either side and takes the phone out of my grip.

'Do you have a thing for hovering or what ?' I asked him, annoyed.

'What ?' He asked, puzzled.

Realising what I meant, he moved back and sat a little away, leaving some space between us.

'Vaani, I am really really sorry.' He said, not meeting my eyes.

He and his sorries.

'You should make a placard of I am sorry. I mean that's the one thing you say to me most of the times.'

'Can I honest ?' He asked.

'Sure. Go ahead.'

'Well you are beautiful all the time so if you want I can say that to you most of the times.'

This guy !

'Agastya, I am not at all flattered.' Well, I am, a bit.

'Oh !'

'Just an oh ?'

'I don't know how to ask for your forgiveness.'

'Why do you even want my forgiveness ?'

'Because I can't see you upset with me. And uh...'

'And ?'

'Vaani, I am sorry.'

This guy is...

'I am going out.'

'Where to ? Wait, let me get ready.' He said.

'No, I want to go alone.'

'But you don't know anything here.'

'So do you and we have Google maps for that reason. So you need not to worry. Bye. Have a nice time.'

Agastya's Pov

I quickly changed into a decent t-shirt and was going behind her when my phone rang and mom's name flashed on the screen.

Vaani's Pov

It took roughly twenty minutes to reach the beach.

The cool water lapped at my feet. Waves ahead roared, crashing onto the shore with a soft hiss. The sky was ablaze with the fire of the setting sun. I couldn't help but smile as the wind caressed my face and tossed my hair.

My phone vibrated with an incoming call.

'Hello Mrs. Basu.' It was Shashank.

'Hello there.'

'How is your honeymoon goin' ?'


'I sense sarcasm in your voice.' He stated.

'Not really. Nvm, tell me when are you coming back to Kolkata ?'

'Soon. I am almost over with my work here in Delhi.'

'Yaah. Come soon otherwise someone else may sweep your girlfriend off her feet.'

'WHAT ? WHY ?'

'Stop yelling over the phone Shashank. And for your kind information, a junior chef who works with Tisham asked her out on a date. But the good news is she denied. I mean she could have accepted you know because he is super hot.'

'Vaani, you aren't my darling anymore.' He stated.

Well, Shashank, Tisham and me are besties since school days. And as you all guessed Tisham is Shashank's girlfriend. Shashank fell for her because she cooks well. Kidding. Tisham is a chef and my friend here who intends to make me go deaf is a lawyer.

'Okay, back to the topic, what did that husband of yours do again ?'

'I didn't say he did anything.'

'Well, you did. Telepathically. Come on now, tell me.'

'Nothing really. He just confuses me sometimes with his gestures but then he only stated that you know our marriage is valid only till the next six months.'

'Since he clearly stated his condition, don't get confused.'

'Shashank, you don't understand.'

'I do and can I tell what I really understood ?' He asked.


'You like him. I don't know about love but you for sure like him.'

'No way Shashank. I don't.'

'Ya ya sure. You are on that so called denial period.'

'No. Stop sprouting nonsense. Bye, I will call you later.'

'Okay darling.' He said, laughing. 'Think about it.'

I possibly can't like him. Right ?

'Vaani.' Someone called me from behind.

I looked back at the voice calling me to see that it's none other than Agastya.

'Vaani, you had me worried.' He yelled, coming towards me.

He came and stood in front of me. The evening glow bathed him in. His breathing was a bit laboured and the momentary frown which he had earlier is no more there. There is relief over his face as he looks down at me.

Stop making my heart flutter Agastya. At this rate I might accept that I like you.



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