2. I win, you lose

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Agastya's Pov

'Vaani I have some work in the office so I am leaving but I will be back soon so be ready. I don't wanna be late for the inauguration ceremony of my own hotel.'

'Vaani ?'

'Vaani ?' I called her again getting no response from her.

'Oye patidev ! Missing me so much, huh !?' She mocked.

'Vaani did you'....I stopped to admire her.

She was wearing a blue ripped jeans, white crop top and flats. Her hair was in a messy bun and she wore no makeup.

A beautiful mess.

What ? A beautiful mess.......seriously Agastya ! Ugh !

'Uh....be ready by 5 ok.'


'Vaani are you done ? We are getting late.' I said while knocking on her door.

'Five minutes more Oggy.'

'What ?'

Seriously how much time does she need. Even I came home and got ready but she is still not done. Just wow !

'I can't give you five fucking minutes Vaani. It's already 5:15. We are supposed to reach the venue by 5:45 pm.'

'Okay, come in.'

//He stepped in irritated but all the air was knocked out of his system when his eyes landed on Vaani.

She stood in front of the floor-length mirror in the sari which complemented her creamy skin and accented her curves. Her long dark brown straight hair was left open with few strands framing her glowing face.

She groaned and that snapped him to reality.//

'Ah Agastya, I am done but this stupid hook of the blouse is irritating the hell out of me. Help me nah.'

'Me ?' I asked.

'Yah ofcourse you. I don't see anyone except you in the room.'

An idea striked my mind. 'Say please and I will help you.'

'Huh ! I won't.' She said.

'Then I won't help.' I striked back.

'Then we gonna be late.'

'Then am leaving without you.'

'Sure. I can just call someone maybe Mr. Rathore would be pleased to help a lady in distress.'

'Shut up and turn around.'

'You lose. Vaani 1, Oggy 0. Wohoo ! Btw, Mr. Rathore is coming right ?'

Mr. Rathore is our business partner. I fucking don't like that man. He doesn't leave any chance to flirt with Vaani. I might punch him someday because he doesn't seem to realise that Vaani is my legally wedded wife.

'We are getting late. Just turn around.'

//She nodded and turned around. He fumbled with the hook for a few seconds before he successfully did it and looked up to see her staring at him through the mirror.//

I leaned forward and whispered in her ear holding the eye contact, 'do you like what you see Mrs. Basu ?'

Without answering my question she averted her eyes and looked at anywhere but me.

Vaani's Pov

'Just go and wait outside, I am coming.' I said averting my eyes from him.

'I win. Agastya 1, Vaani 0.' He whispered and left the room not before giving me his famous smug look.

What was that ?

//Shit ! He won. Nvm, I won't give him the pleasure of winning the next time. She muttered to herself and left the room not before looking at herself one last time in the mirror.//



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