4. Enemies to lovers ?

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Vaani's Pov

I was reviewing a file in my office when lightning flashed across the sky and thunder rumbled at a distance. I looked up at the watch to see it's already 9:30 PM.

I decided to complete the remaining task after reaching home as the sky was already in a grumpy mood.

But to my bad luck my car wouldn't give a start.

Wtf ? What's wrong with the car now ?

Seeing that there's nothing that can be done with the car right at the moment I opted to call my beloved husband.

After a few rings he picked up.

'Hello dear wife. Are you missing your husband ?'

'I won't miss you even in your dreams.'

'Then what's this call for ?'

'Are you still in your office ?'

'Yaa, I am just getting up to leave for home. Why ?'

'Can you just pick me up on your way back home ?' I asked.

'Didn't you take your car ?'

'I did. But right now my car is jammed. It worked all fine in the morning but now it won't work and I don't have any clue about what's wrong with it. So can you please come and pick me up ?' I asked again.

'Okay since you said please.' He replied in a boastful manner and cut the call.

What a jerk !

After exactly 20 mins he picked me up.

'No thank you ?' He asked with that stupid same smug look on his face.

'Thank you so much.' I muttered.

And he fucking laughed. Wow. Did I say something funny ?

Jerk !

'I heard that.' He said, still laughing.

Did I say it out loud ?

'You did.' He replied.

'Good. It was for you to listen only.' I huffed and looked out of the window.

Raindrops were clumping together and making small rivers that travelled up the window blurring the lights of cars and streetlights ahead before being slashed at by the windshield wiper.

'Vaani.' He called.

'Hmm.' I replied back without looking at him.

'I am sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable with my behaviour on the inauguration day of our new hotel.'

I wasn't uncomfortable. But I wasn't really up to say that to him.

'Your sorry is accepted.' I said looking at him.

After a few moments of silence he asked, 'why are we always sarcastic with each other ?'

'Even I don't know. Maybe because we are both so headstrong and stubborn.'

'So you accept that you are stubborn huh ?' He mocked.

'I said we.' I replied air quoting the word we.

Chuckling he asked, 'so are we the famous enemies to lovers troupe ?'

'Enemies maybe but lovers, not sure.'

'Not sure ? Why ? One can definitely fall in love with a charming man like me.'

'I am zero then.'

'Sorry what ?'

'You said one can fall in love with you so I am zero.'

'You are impossible.'

'You lose Oggy.' I laughed.

'Is it like the first time we are having a proper conversation without you barking at me ? You know informal type.'

'As if you meow meow.'

'Meowwwwww....' he mimicked a cat.

I chuckled at his charade and looked out of the hazy glasses again as pal pal dil ke pass played on the stereo.



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