"What are you even saying?" She exclaimed, frowning at him.

"Jack," Billy called as Jared wheeled him onto the back porch.

Jack nodded, "Call Harry and Sue, will ya?" He called back, before looking back at Carter, "Sam will help you alright?" He mumbled, moving away to stand with the rest of them. Only Sam remained next to her.

"Carter..." Sam stepped forward carefully as Carter fell to all fours. She looked up at him, he stepped back as he looked at her glowing eyes. They were red.

She turned to look at Sam, “I’m sweating.” She stated, “I hate sweating.” She growled.

Sam kneeled in front of her, coming face to face with her.

“Okay Carter, you have to listen to me alright, Do exactly as I say.” He told her causing her to nod quickly.

“You’re angry,” Sam said causing the girl to roll her eyes, “geez, thank you captain obvious.” She mumbled, sarcastically.

Sam chuckled at the girl's sarcasm and shook his head, “Listen you gotta let it all out, alright?” He advised, “Everything you’re angry about, the smallest of things that are making you angry. Think about it and let it all out.”

Carter did exactly that, she thought about everything that was making her angry, She thought about the owls hooting peacefully in the trees, how dare they? Were they not able to see her on the ground in absolute pain?

She thought about the Cullens, how they’d left her without a single goodbye. How could they? She had shared everything with Jasper and yet, he left without even looking back.

She thought about Bella’s recent behaviour, oh that made her so angry. The way she had acted the previous months and now her stupid actions. Jessica was right, Bella was an adrenaline junkie. But even then, if she wanted to feel the thrill of danger she should’ve gone on a rollercoaster, not a random idiot's bike.

She thought about Nathan Harper, just thinking about his name made Carter mad. It made her mad that she had allowed him to take advantage of her. It made her mad that she couldn’t stop him in time. It made her mad that she was so weak in front of him.

Oh, Carter was mad alright, and she was finally letting it all out

Carter let out an ear-piercing shriek as she felt her wrist bend at an awkward angle causing strings of intense pain to shoot up her arm, She yelled loudly as she turned to look at Sam with fear evident in her eyes. The man only looked back with concern, not making any move to help the girl.

“Sam, what’s happening to me?” She asked, her voice strained from the pain. Sam could hear a slight shake in her voice. The girl was vulnerable right now and he wanted to make sure that she knew she was safe.

“Carter I’m right here, alright?” He said, “Just don’t fight it, okay? Let it happen. I know it hurts, Carter, I know. But this needs to be done.” He stated. Just as he said that Carter let out an agonizing scream as the sound of bones cracking filled the air.

As soon as her bones stopped cracking, Carter stood, shaking her head lightly, trying to clear her head and looked down at her paws.

Wait. paws. paws.

Carter backed away in surprise, trying to yell, to call out for help but all that came out of her mouth were barks. She whimpered in panic and stumbled over her feet. paws.

Astrophile (Paul Lahote x OC)Where stories live. Discover now