chp:1 the beginning of a story of light and dark

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A calm breeze was moving a cross the land wheat fields as far as the eye could see. There stood a Japanese man as he walked and walked among the fields with only one thing in mind only him and his train of thought but his train of though was broken a sudden noise of what he could only describe as the cries of a child he continued he's walk but the noise only grew louder and louder until he swears he could here it in his ear.

He checked and found the source of the noise two small infants one girl and one boy. The girl had short auburn hair, gray-ish blue eyes along with brown tinted skin and a set of Russian nesting dolls right at her side she seemed to be calming down and the boy a little bit smaller than the girl but with a little bit longer silver-ish gray hair, turquoise eyes and more pale skin and next to him was somthing odd it looked like a drone of sort but it also looked like it seen better days

As then man then picked up the two children he noticed two things one thing was both children had no stated information such as date of birth name or age but the man just looked at them and they seemed around 1 to 2 years of age and the second thi...

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As then man then picked up the two children he noticed two things one thing was both children had no stated information such as date of birth name or age but the man just looked at them and they seemed around 1 to 2 years of age and the second thing was the boy had no right arm so the man had made the assumption that who ever left the child thought they wouldn't be able to survive the world with one arm but it was only speculation the man made as he felt a very off putting dark feelings yet a light calming presents coming from the boy.

With a conflicted mind about what to do with the children with a stone cold face he picked up the children there crying and winning ceased, now replaced with smiles, giggles and cooing from the children. H9s expression changed He now had a soft smile that went away he then walked away with the children in there baskets and set back his attention to what he was here to do.

A/N : to be honest I think I did I decent job on this chapter do far so good.....hopefully if someone does end up reading this I hope you enjoyed the first chapter next chapter is most likely gonna be a bio so I will get that done when I have the time thank you for reading.

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