Oh No, We've Committed A War Crime! - Round 1.2 Submission

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A/N: Hola! This is my entry for Round 1, Part 2 of the Multigenre Mashup SmackDown contest. This time around, we had to write a humorous fantasy drabble (Drabble: A short story containing exactly 100 words) including the word "quest". I had entirely too much fun writing this - I hope you have just as much fun reading it!

Word count: 100 (hand-counted, confirmed by the word counter in google docs AND an external website)

"Rona Kramer, you and your group have been charged with war crimes against the magical world. Please submit-"

"War crimes?!" I interrupt incredulously. "Are you serious? We're on a quest, you know that's an exception."

The enforcer huffs. "Please submit yourselves to-"

"Alright." I cross my arms. "So what punishment are we looking at for our oh-so-heinous crimes?"

"Ooh, let us guess!" Colin cuts in. "Is it execution?"

"Life in prison?" suggests Bree.

"Come on, guys." Jude shakes his head, looking far too smug. "It's sanctions, obviously."

I pinch my nose, vehemently resisting the urge to sigh. "You're all hopeless."

A/N: Thoughts?

I woke up today and just could not resist the urge to write some political satire. Sue me, it doesn't make it any less true. :)

Special thanks to the YouTube video about an animated kids' series that delivered some cutting and truly entertaining social commentary, which inspired this entire drabble.

I honestly don't know if people will find this funny or not. Is it my greatest writing? Probably not. Did it make me laugh? Well... kind of. I definitely snorted, like the dignified lady I absolutely am. Am I happy with it? Yes. Drabbles aren't really my thing, and neither is humor, but I had a lot of fun writing this. 

Good luck to the rest of the SmackDown participants! Can't wait to see the results of this round.

Adios, mi amigos!

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