Chapter 4

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The audience espescially from honkai cast shocked seeing familiar face

Flamechaser :he cant be serious?!

They shock to see the final herrscher

Cecilia :kiana?

She look her other version of her daughter


Herrscher of the end also known as hote kiana open her eyes and see in unknown theater

Hote kiana :where am i?

??? :kiana-chan?

Hote look at ggz mei in her herrscher form

Hote :mei-senpai? Where are we?

Ggz mei :i dont know 

Jhaynar :kiana

As she look at herrscher of ocean

Hote :jhaynar

Jhaynar :what is this place?

Hote :i dont know

The other lovecraftian horror also wake up(though azathoth still close her eyes)

Yog sothoth :oh my where is this

Azathoth :oh a throne room?

Susannah :eh alvtir where are we?

Alvtir :eh i dont know?

Deathwing :ehem

The ggz cast then look at gigantic dragon

Deathwing :hello

Susannah :ahhhh! Giant scary dragon!

Ggz mei :who are you

Deathwing :me? I am deathwing the demon dragon god of omniverse

Deathwing :okay guys before we begun  lets watch something first

Durandal :again?

Deathwing :just deal with it

(Kotoha as mei and douma as noctis)

This make the audience surppriseed,speechless,squeeled and blushing

Trio mei just blushing 

St mei :whawhawhawha-

As she blush red

 Both hot mei and ggz mei begun touch their lips as they have unknown feeling for noctis

As for trio kiana-

St kiana :NOOOOOOO!

Deathwing and Ebon :YEEEESSSSS!

Hof kiana :what the hell is this?!

Hote :that worm!!!

Jhaynar :i though she like kiana?

Yog sothoth :ara that boy look cute

Azathoth :i agree depsite my eyes closed i can tell he cute

Reiko happy that her daugther finnaly found a man

Ryoma just glared at noctis with murderous look

The union bullies boy just crying in jealousy

Issei :damn you weakling!

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