Chapter 10: The Zora Domain

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I woke up in a plain with a blue sky, I look around me and I see Luna who looks at the landscape, I approach her then I notice that my not heard I touch her on the shoulder then she had a blow of jump.

"Nick, you're scaring me, I didn't think you'd be here." Said Luna, The boy with the round ear raises his eyebrow.

"If you want I can leave." Said Nick turning around but something was holding him.

"No Nick stay with me please." Said Luna despairing, the young warrior turns around then he sits down with her Luna satchel has her arms all along.

"You have very strong arms Nick." Compliment Luna.

"I'm not as may q a goron but thank you." Said Nick a little embarrassed, Luna looked Nick in the eyes to say.

"Jaurès liked to hold you in my arms in the real world." Said Luna, Nick looks at him curiously.

"What do you mean in the real world?" Nick asks.

"All will be explained in due time, for now you must wake up."

Says Luna who disappear.

"What is Luna waiting for, I don't understand, explain to me?" Said Nick waking up in the hyrule plains,

he sees Lulu clinging to her neck, the boy with the round ear lip then he rubs his eyes.

"Humpt humpt." Nick hears the noise in the back he turns around then he sees Link with crossed arms.

"Um how are you Link?" Ask Nick.

"Actually I wanted to know why-" Said Link who has no time to finish because the girl zora wakes up.

"Good morning Nick." Said Lulu happily but she noticed that Nick was pointing in one direction, Lulu looked then she saw the hero of time.

"Hi Dad." Said Lulu innocently but was white as a sheet because he had just learned that little Zora and the hero's daughter

"I swear I didn't know that please don't hurt me." Nick said in a panic. Link just sighed then he said

"I'm not mad I wonder how my daughter ends up with you?" Link asks, Nick was going to answer him but Lulu spoke first.

"Dad I was hurt by a monster that swelled my heel and it's what Nick healed." Link looks at his daughter's heel then he sees a rock moving just as he notices its a goron.

Aaaaah I slept well last night." Says Gor who sees his uncle.

"Uncle Link, what are you doing here?" Gor asks.

"Actually her mother was worried so she sends me to get you Lulu, we're going home." Said Link, Lulu hugs Nick.

"Nick can you come to the estate please." Lulu asks with a cute face.

"I see no problem and you Nick you want to come?" Link request.

"Say yes Nick its the one who has Zora's sapphire." Said Luna

"I don't mind taking a little walk." Said Nick with a smile.

"Yippee." Said Lulu hugging Nick, Nick picks up his cape to wear it.

"Ok everyone, let's go, Lulu I'm going to help you get up." Said Link lifting Lulu for riding Epona, Link turns to the round-eared boy to see who is nervous.

"We won't be able to simply walk, the domain is not very far if we say?" Nick said nervously

"It'll be faster riding Nick." Said Lulu.

"Lulu, Nick doesn't like riding, come on Nick, I'm not going to go fast, I'm giving you the hero's word." Said Link, the young warrior advances towards the hero who makes him a ladder for him, he climbs then heads towards the domain.

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