Chapter 6: Ranche lon lon

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The young warrior and the hero of time left the Forest, Nick did not know where Link was heading but he followed him, then he stops to take out his ocarina then he plays the unknown song for the boy with the round ear, then suddenly a four-legged animal comes towards us, Link approaches this creature to stroke it.

"Hi beauty." Said Link, Nick watching the animal fascinatingly.

"What is this beast? I'm never an animal like that." Said Nick, The hero of time looks at the little warrior.

"Her name is Epona, this a horse more precisely a mare, she will travel with us so that the journey will be faster." Said Link, The young warrior's face turns white.

"You have to get on the mare!" Said Nick in fear, Link sighs.

"Don't worry, you don't have to hold on to me, come on up." Says Link who helps her to get on Epona, Nick jumps on the mare then Link gets on Epona then the trip has started for both of them, The young warrior clings very tightly to the hero of time, while Epona gallops, Nick feels very sick to his stomach.

"Hey Link, I don't feel very well in my stomach, are you normal?" Nick asks, Link sighs.

"I'm going to slow down but it's coming soon." Said Link arriving at a nearby ranch. It was night at the ranch Link and Nick got off the mare.

"Next time we go on foot." Said Nick trying to calm his tummy that was swirling.

"You come Nick." Said Link who is waiting in front of the door to knock. Nick arrived next to Link who knocked three times on the door.

"One second I'm coming." Said the voice that is familiar to the young warrior.

"That voice can't be." Said Nick in a whisper. The door opens to see a red-haired woman wearing a yellow slip, white shirt and purple stockings.

"Link, it's good to see you." Said Malon who sees the boy with the round ear

"Hey little boy with the round ear, how are you, I haven't seen you since you spent the day with my daughter." Said Malon looking at the boy and the hero.

"Tell me Link, this boy... its your son?" Malon asks, the young warrior's eyes wide open as the hero sighs.

"No Malon, this boy is not my son, but I have a girl if you didn't know, its a zora to tell you." Said Link, Nick looks at him curiously.

"Its what a zora?" Nick asks, Link turns his head in the direction of the young warrior with the round ear.

"Its an aquatic people who live in the Zora domain, its where my wife and daughter live." Said Link, Nick looks at him surprised.

"The legend said true you are married to the queen zora." Said Nick looking at him. Malon clapped her hands for their attention.

"Come on, let's go if we continue this conversation with a meal." Said Malon looking at the young warrior.

"You are hungry, round-eared boy." Said malon, Nick will answer but his stomach growled, the farmer's wife had a little laugh.

"I take that as a yes." Said Malon who hears the door open.

"Mom I'm home." Said Cellia who sees Link.

"Hello Mr. Link." Said Cellia seeing Nick, her cheeks turned red.

"Nick...are you there too?" Cellia asks Nick rubbing the back of his head.

"Hi Cellia." Said Nick looking at the opposite with his eyes

''Niiiiiiick.'' Said Cellia hugging the boy with the round ear, without thinking he gives him a hug in return then the door opens to see two individuals, one he has the uniform of the guard then the other had a blue overalls and a red sweater.

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