Chapter 1: A new journey, friends and enemies

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A young woman dressed in a hooded robe, looking to hiding place to sow his pursuers, who tried to kill his son. the storm is becoming more violent and noisy, it find a forest and she decided to hide in, more it progresses, it gets lost. When she sits, she was expecting her baby crying and she stroked plays on singing her lullaby.

"Shut up, my baby is wise do not cry, Be lulled by the sound of the wind, sleeps and do not forget my last love song, I'll be in your heart forever" Sing her mother.

She kissed her son on the forehead and then she hears the pursuers they approach, she decided to hide the baby and drawn to it. Running in the forest, she managed to attract pursuers, but it is done by touching an arrow in the heart, and she began to suffer listening to the sounds of boots from his pursuers and listening to their conversations.

"Where is the boy?" Said the hunter green

"Calm friend, it must be hidden." Said the brown hunter a certain tone to it.

"Easy to say for a guy who lives in a shack bird, I living in a city and I-" Cut his friend to remain silent, he listens attentively weird sounds in the forest. His friend worried.

"A problem?" He asked the hunter green whispering, the look of his friend was full of anxiety.

"We have to go." Said the brown hunter.

"But the mother and the little one?" Ask hunter green.

"The mother is empty of blood and the child will not survive in this forest." Brown said the hunter. When suddenly a melody floats in all the forest and the two men asleep in a snap. The mother does not understand why his pursuers are asleep and not her, Sudden a shadow of a green hair little girl was holding a cloth with the baby, Have baby.

"Thank you." If was the last word of the mother before fallen into eternal slumber.

The girl with green hair is sad for the mother, but happy for the baby, because she and the girls are the town can not have children. When she walks into her village, she will remember these childhood friend Link the hero of time.

"Hi dear, my name is Saria you your name will be Nick, I think its a pretty name, is not you?" Ask Saria.

Nick made joyful moans to approve the name to give him Saria. Saria his side, she smiled. She approaches her village, Saria is concerned that his friends think of the baby, because the first was a Hylian and was treated different. She Nick look into his arms and took her courage in both hands, and then advance into the village.

Saria is in his house and people to view Nick Not yet, but she knows one day she has to tell his friends. Suddenly Nick saria crying and tried to calm him, but he continued to cry, so she plays his ocarina (Saria's song) and then Nick fell asleep and Saria sigh of relief, she wants her friends tomorrow Nick not accept as a friend, but as his son.

Thirteen years later

POV: Narrator

In the village kokiri, Nothing to change. Children playing with their fairy, the other listens to stories that the venerable tree Mojo, a Someone working to remove rocks and other fish in the lake. The world is normal ... except Nick.

Nick's son Saria and a child like no other, Nick is the largest village three centimeter more, his ears are not sharp it is round (Like Human) Nick has very short black hair and there not wearing hats and he wears a dark blue tunic with torn sleeve and pants, the pants Yes because when Nick was young he spoke with the girl, and then the wind blew strong to show him her secret garden. Nick is no fairy, but its not bother him at all, his mother was offered a ocarina handmade with its name engraved. Nick listening history mojo venerable tree. Sometimes Nick visits for more history and moments when Nick is depressed. To comfort the venerable tree mojo tells the story of the time the hero. The hero now married zora kidney and also had a daughter. Nick also did manual work for his mother and other villagers, but especially Mido makes him work hard, but it's nice to Nick because its the son of Saria. Many women find charming Nick, but Nick is not the head of the woman care, it to some friends and friends, but he refused their advances. Nick lives in the house or the best friend of her mother lived.

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