Chapter 2 | Home

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Despite how much Yugo loved being around his friends, he couldn't deny how good and peaceful it felt to get back home at the end of their adventures. The young boy smiled at the wide fields and trees, that lay in front of him. His brother gave him a slight push from the side:"Want to see who's faster?" "You're on!", Yugo was eager to show his brother, that even if he had a growing spurt, that wouldn't mean he was the faster twin.

While Adamai took on his dragon form, - transforming out of his more humanoid appearance - , Yugo started sprinting, jumping into his first portal before coming out of the second one, only to repeat the process. When looking back at his brother, he noticed that the dragon slowly caught up to him, and decided to pick up the pace.

And though he knew that he could go even faster, - and would consider doing so, should his brother catch up to him -, he would prefer to not drain his Wakfu again so soon after they fought Oropo. The last time he carelessly wasted it, after fighting Qilby, he was so exhausted, that he did not have any Wakfu to spare when he actually needed it.

When he was almost back in their village, Yugo spotted a small figure dressed in black. He instantly knew that it was Chibi. And that was not only because of his distinct hat. He stopped next to him, Adamai joining them just a moment later.

Chibi immediately recognized his dragon friend from another dofus, even after not having seen him for over a year:"Brother Admaii!" The eliatrop kid almost fell while trying to run closer towards him. And although Adamai would usually try to correct the little boy on how his name was pronounced, he was too overjoyed to care. "It's good to see you again Chibi." He then saw the young one tear up:"Are you going to leave again?" "Please don't cry, Chibi!", overwhelmed with the situation he held up his hands defensively, and looked at Yugo for guidance. Yugo was usually the one watching over the white-haired boy, while he had to chase after Grugal. And Grugal didn't cry. Instead, he stole food from the kitchen and spread chaos everywhere.

Yugo though, knew exactly what to do. He leaned down to him and picked him up. Which turned out to get increasingly more difficult with every day the almost nine-year-old aged:"Don't worry. Adamai is not going to leave again. It is all alright. Okay?" Chibis's tears slowly stopped, before he nodded, silently signaling that he understood. The three of them walked the last few hundred meters to their adoptive fathers' house together: "Also, where is Grugal, Chibi?" The boy shrugged, before mumbling a quiet:"Dunno..." "Then he's probably up to no good.", Yugo sighed.

To his horror, he saw that his presumption had been right. When they entered Aliberts restaurant, the first thing they saw was Grugal flying across the room, periodically looking back at their father. Alibert put his hands on his knees, when he saw the three of them, panting:"Adamai! You are back again. It's so good to see you.", his face immediately lit up, and he went up to him, to embrace him into a hug, still slightly out of breath. "You've grown!", he stated the obvious, the shock on his face being apparent.

Their reunion, as anticipated as it was, was harshly disrupted by the sound of crashing plates. "I know you just came back, but I could really use some help with this little tormentor.", his eyes slid over to the black dragon, that just threw a few, mostly empty plates off a guest's table:"I am not the youngest anymore. If you don't mind?"

"Of course Alibert. Just leave that to me.", Adamai didn't waste another second before walking towards Grugal to get him back under control. Yugo couldn't help but stare at his brother. He seemed so much more grown up now. And that is not only due to his size. His demeanor was totally different from what it was just a year ago. "It's good to have him back again, hm?", his dad smiled at him, giving him a little push to the shoulder. "Yes.", the eliatrope said absently. It was great to have him back.

It barely took Adamai a minute before he held the little dragon under his arm, giving him another lecture about flying around in the restaurant. By now he must've known every word of it in order, but the little troublemaker simply didn't care. To him, making chaos was fun, and it made Chibi giggle. And whatever made Chibi giggle, was a good thing to him.

Alibert got the two of them to sit down at a table together with Chibi and Grugal, promising them each an extra large portion of Gobball fricassee. And while Yugo instantly wanted to get back up and help his father, Alibert denied his request:"You've had enough adventure and work the past few days. I can tell from the way your clothes look again, so instead of doing more work, how about you two just tell me what you have gotten yourself into again?"

Something inside of Yugo knotted up his throat. Just thinking about what had happened at Oropos Tower made him shiver. It was not a story he wanted to tell at the dinner table, and it was not something he wanted Chibi and Grugal to hear. How could he explain to two children, that by trying to protect the world, he instead created a new species, that has to suffer without him even knowing about it? It made him sick to think about how much the eliotropes, - as they called themselves, - had to suffer because he didn't want to listen to his brother, and thought he could play with a power akin to that of a god.

When his eyes faded over to Adamai, he could see that his younger brother too, pulled a grimace. It was obvious that both of them had regrets, and weren't eager to talk about them any time soon. Especially since Yugo still had trouble processing what happened with Nox and Qilby. While everyone just told him, that they got what they deserved, and that it was for the greater good, he just couldn't forget what he saw. The way Qilby pleaded for his life.

Yugo shook his head, dragging himself back into reality, just as Alibert put a table in front of him. Then, after the four of them each had their plate, their adoptive father took his own share of the food, and sat down, opposite Yugo and Adamai. He seemed excited to finally be able to talk to both of his sons again since he had to spend most of last year's dinners with a Yugo, that couldn't look him in the eye for more than a minute, - and that was if he was even at home, and not out, roaming the world of twelve in search of his twin.

"So!", Alibert started the conversation, an oversaturated smile on his face:"How did you save the world this time?" Adamai looked down at his portion of food, while Yugo's eyes met Chibis, the guilt bubbling up again. And about half a minute passed, before the twins both realized one of them would have to provide an answer. "Ah well, there-" "We didn't actua-" "was this tower and-" "- lly save anyone.", both of them talked over each other, before quickly going quiet again. "You know, that you don't have to tell me about all of your adventures, right boys?", he cracked a forced laugh:"We can just talk about something else."

Both of them immediately dropped their guard, and visibly relaxed in their seat. And even though Alibert tried to take it lightly, in the back of his mind he was worried. He could not imagine, what they had to have done, that they didn't even want to tell him about it. Was it worse than Nox? Even worse than Qilby? Every time the two wanted to leave he had the urge to lock the door and convince them to stay with him. To him, they were still the boy he raised since he was a baby, and the dragon brother his boy had found when he was still a kid. But he knew that they had a destiny and that trying to keep them safe, would only risk the world of twelve.

So he tried to push all of that out of his mind, and took another breath:"Well how's Armand? And how is his wife doing?" "Unfortunately, that prince hasn't changed a bit. He still treats me with no respect!", the mood lit up immediately, and Alibert could only laugh at what Adamai had to say:"Hmm... Have you ever tried giving him some respect first?" "Why would I want to show this moogrr respect?", the dragon blurted. Now even Yugo had to laugh, knowing that his brother fully meant every word he said. "He sure stinks like one!", Grugal voiced himself, making Chibi giggle even more than he already had. Adamai lifted his finger and put on a warning tone:"You better don't tell him that, or he'll throw you into the Sadidian prison. He's almost done that to Percedal before!" "He can try!" They kept on chatting like this for hours, and after a while, it almost felt like none of them had ever left.

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