Chapter 7: Tony

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"Peter!" said a voice.

Peter rolled to his side, coughing and gasping for air.

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down, Peter." said Happy as he held the teenager down, "I'm sorry. I should've gone after you, it was just so dangerous...if something happened to you, I don't know what I'd do. I promised Tony that I'd look out for you."

"It's okay," said Peter, "it was my idea to stay inside and fine P...where's Pepper?"

Peter tried to sit up, but found himself currently unable to move.

"They found her, let's make a trip to the hospital." Happy reassured,"I'll call your Aunt."

Feeling defeated, Peter stopped struggling and was left thinking: Morgan was still out there.


After Peter made a "full recovery", he and May head home.

"No more Spider-" May scolded.

"What?!" said Peter, shocked, "May! People need me!"

"Peter, calm down. No more being Spider-Man for a few days. You need to take it easy." "But I've made a full recovery. And I've fought bad guys even when very sick. I need to find Morgan."


As soon as they got home, Peter closed the door to his room and locked it. Once he was sure that May wasn't focusing on him anymore, he put on his suit and opened his bedroom window.

Spider-Man made his way to the top of the building and perched right on the edge, looking down at the city.

"Karen." Spider-Man said. "Hello, Peter." said the onboard A.I..

"Have you tracked Morgan's smart watch yet?" "Yes. She is 17.5647 miles away."


"Are we going to get her back?"

"Yeah, but first we need Ned."

"Calling Ned now."

"Peter?" said the guy-in-the-chair, "What's up, man?"

"Hey, come over." said Spider-Man, "I need help with something."

"Sure, give me a sec-"

"And whatever you do, please don't tell Aunt May that I needed you, okay?"



As soon as Ned walked over, he pulled him in, slammed the door and locked it.

"Dude, what's going on?" asked Ned.

"Guy-in-the-chair." Peter answered.

Ned smirked at his "codename".

"I'm picking up what you're putting down," he said.

"Good, Karen found Morgan."

"Wait, wait, so remind me whyyy we can't tell May? I mean like, I have not helped you with Spider-Man-related stuff in a while, but I thought May knew."

"Of course she does. She recently banned me from being Spider-Man for a few days. Because of a fire."

"You started a fire?!"

"What?! No! I got trapped in a house that was on fire."


"I know right? Okay, Karen is currently connected to your computer. I need you to keep track of Morgan's location."

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