Chapter 2: And

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Weeks have passed. Peter walked into the room, his eyes red-trimmed and swollen and his feet were barely able to steer him in the least. His backpack flopped beside him and fell onto the velvet couch, waiting for Happy.

As soon as he walked through the door, it felt like everything inside him pounded behind his eyes, as if trying to force themselves out.

"Hey, kid." said Happy, fixing his tie and sitting next to the boy, "I saw your name on the people-I'm-supposed to-meet-with list and figured that it was important. What's up?"

Peter tried holding himself together as his eyes stinged with tears.

"I'm just...looking for a job..." Peter started, " keep my mind off of...things after school."

All the hurt seemed to disappear. He felt like an emotionless shell, hollowed out and empty. His heart didn't ache and neither did his head. They had both lost feeling.

"Peter," Happy started, "you're a really smart kid. Tony would give you a job in a heartbeat-"

Peter winced and looked away.

"What ever happened to visiting Morgan after school?" Happy asked.

Peter only shrugged his shoulders. He wouldn't at all allow his head to turn towards Happy.

"I wish you would just spend more time with her." said the agent, "You need her just as much as she needs you."

Peter's hands began to shake as his mind clouded. He could barely hear Happy's voice as a fog of regret envelopes the boy. It could be as if Happy was only an illusion once his constant repeating his name became very faint.

Tears fell from Peter's cheeks one by one. His heart sank deeper and his mind drifted further. How could he do this to me? Peter thought, How could Tony just leave?! He had a daughter, a family, something to live for! He loved him, he could barely move sometimes, like sorrow crippled him, surely, this wouldn't be what his old man wanted.

He felt Happy's cold hand on his shoulder as he shook his head back in reality.

"Peter," Happy continued, "like I said before, 'Tony knew what he was doing, he would have done it 100 times because he knew it would bring you back'."

Those words rang in Peter's ears.

"It's my fault..." Peter said, "...Morgan could have been happy, she could've been...if I hadn't-"

"Hadn't what?" asked Happy, "Mattered to Tony? You were just some kid from Queens. You were given powers well before you were responsible enough to use them properly, he believed in you, you couldn't ever change that. Look...I know it hurts to be around her Peter, trust me, but her eyes light up whenever you're around. Of course she barely knows you, but she knows how important you were to her father. Instead of paying your work here, I'm going to pay you to be with Morgan."


"I'm serious."

"I'm not a babysitter."

"You're right, you aren't, you're...a brother."


"Peter, you don't need to be blood related to be her older brother and Tony's son. I think you qualify more than someone who shared her genes."

"Because we both lost a father? The only person in our lives that believed in us? The reason we saw the world the way we did? Our hero?"

Peter intensified and stood up to his feet.

"He was my hero, Happy!" he shouted, "My idol! I'm not his son! I can't even imagine how hard it is for Morgan! You can't sum up what he was to me!"

"Please, be with Morgan after school, everyday, just an hour, she needs you." Happy persuaded, "Pepper has been distant lately. I'm the only person in Morgan's life that cares for what's happening to her right now and she deserves so much better."

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