𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊

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Woke up to the sound of my little one getting into it, drool and all, making a hot mess but sounding like pure joy

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Woke up to the sound of my little one getting into it, drool and all, making a hot mess but sounding like pure joy. Still half in dreamland, I scooped her up to feed her, and that's when Sage strolled in, neck all marked up and hair looking like it had its own wild night.

I couldn't help it-I laughed until my face was on fire, and Sage got the joke too, cracking up with me. I teased her, "Looks like somebody's been busy, huh?" She played it off, but we both knew what was up.

Once we got our giggles out, she invited me to grab lunch with her crew. Why not? So we planned to meet up in a couple of hours.

Katara was out cold, so I got myself ready, dropping her off in a pillow fort and hitting the wardrobe for something fly to wear.

Picked out my fit and hit the bathroom while Katara was still snoozing. Got the shower going, brushed my teeth till they sparkled, and skipped the scrub today-did that yesterday. Lathered up with that mango & almond butter soap, rinsed off, and then hit my skin with some Dr. Teal's in the shower.

Post-shower, I slathered on some cherry blossom lotion, even though I was already oiled up. Pulled my hair back slick, flat-ironed a couple of wild strands, and kept the makeup light-just some mascara, eyeliner, and gloss.

Got myself together and carefully got Katara dressed in her cute outfit and bow-decked socks, all without waking her up.

All dressed and ready, I grabbed Katara and her bag, scooped up my phone, and headed downstairs. Sage was on the phone but hung up quick to coo over Katara's outfit. "You like?" she asked. "It's dope. Thought I was losing it for a sec," I said, grabbing what we needed for the day.

Sage said she'd dip out with Jackson after lunch, so we'd roll separate. I nodded, juggling Katara and my keys, and we headed for the garage.

Started the car with some SZA setting the mood and followed Sage's speedy exit. Traffic wasn't too bad, and we made it to the spot in about thirty.

Parked next to Sage, got my things and Katara's stroller out, and we were good to go. Buckled her in and locked up tight.

Once inside, I set up at our table, got Katara's bottle ready, and introduced myself to the crew. "Yo, I'm London, Sage's big sib, Maxon's day one." Smiles all around.

Washed up, picked up Katara, and the table was all about her cuteness. Checked the menu and decided on a breakfast sandwich and hashbrowns. Katara wrapped up her bottle, and I burped her, making the whole table jump and laugh.

Chatted with Ari next to me while Katara chilled on my lap, ignoring some girl giving me the stink eye on Maxon's arm.

Ari and I hit it off, talking about hitting the shops together sometime. Food came, and I tucked Katara back into her stroller so I could eat.

Katara got fussy, so I picked her up-yep, diaper time. Maxon asked what's up. "Just a quick change, be right back," I said, heading to the restroom.

Back at the table, Katara was still not having it. Gave her the paci and tried to calm her down. Everyone was all concerned, but I figured she just needed to sleep.

Out of nowhere, Maxon scoops her up from me and starts doing his thing, all deep voice and gentle rocking. "Chill, baby girl, I got you," he's saying, and she's finally calming down in his arms.

His swift action left everyone at the table with puzzled expressions, catching me off guard. However, at this moment, I was willing to try anything to pacify Katara.

He cradled her head in the crook of his arm while his other hand gently caressed her back. I whispered sweet words to her, which surprisingly brought her profound calmness.

I was stuck watching Maxon ease Katara into a nap with a gentleness that hit me right in the feels

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I was stuck watching Maxon ease Katara into a nap with a gentleness that hit me right in the feels. He was all soft words and comforting touches, and before I knew it, she was out like a light. Ari caught my eye and hit me with the truth-that man doesn't do kids, so Katara must be something special to him.

Thoughts of Katara's dad, my ex, flashed through my mind-how he dipped, saying he wasn't ready to be a father. He missed out, but that's on him. Maxon, though, he had Katara snoozing away, so I snuck over with her pink blanket. "Here, this is for her," I said, sliding him a smile. He gave me one back, quick but real, and tucked the blanket around her, clipping her paci onto his shirt.

I settled back into my seat, but Maxon hinted I should stick close, so I scooted over to the spot next to him. We got to talking, catching up on life, until the girl from before-Maxon's "girlfriend", apparently-came at me with some attitude. Katara stirred a bit, and Maxon wasn't having any of it. He handed Katara back to me and handled his business with his girl.

I got Katara back in her stroller and started packing up. Swapped info with Ari and told Sage I was heading out to kick back at home.

Out at the car, I got our stuff in the front and Katara all cozy in her seat, then folded up the stroller for the trunk. That's when I caught this sweet smell, and suddenly, there were these arms around me, Maxon's head against my neck. My hand just went to his face on its own.

A couple minutes in, I tried to step back, but he wasn't letting go, just growling low. I had to laugh. "Babe, I gotta get back," I tried, but he growled again, holding me there. Then Katara made a little fuss, and he switched to calming her down.

I saw his girl watching me like a hawk from her car-girl, please. I just shook my head, checked that Katara was all good with her pacifier and a gentle belly rub from Maxon, and then hopped into the driver's seat. I told Maxon I'd hit him up when we got home and pulled out, leaving him to deal with his sticky situation.



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