"It would be no bore at all for me. At the Adachi residence, I helped the Lolo manage the household which included hosting several social events. The responsibility is one I could easily carry," I explained.

"You want to manage the palace?" General Yarima asked, chewing his food with a smile on his lips.

"The palace will be our home and right now, it feels like one gigantic office. One of us has to establish a proper household environment, right?"

"Not really," they both echoed and I almost sneered at them for their non-chalantness.

"I thought you took up languages, Nimah," Her Majesty continued, "Learning a new language is a lot of responsibility."

Indeed it was. Language was a bridge. And as a white man set to become king in a kingdom where the color of my skin was still seen as a symbol of oppression, I had one too many bridges to build. Learning Hausa, Yoruba, then Arabic, and French was a goal I now set out for myself. Alongside Igbo, they were the primary languages that held Arjana together. However my classes only lasted until noon, and then there was nothing but lounging around all day in my chambers, writing letters to Iman I knew she would not reply, waiting eagerly for dinner, when I would be reunited with the three of them again.

Dinner was my favorite hour of the day. Sometimes we had it in the dining hall, other times we had it in Her Majesty's chambers, accompanied by fine music or poetry from one of the grandmasters of the arts. Then we'd lay lazily on the veranda, under the stars, talking about our day. Between General Yarima and The Queen, there were ever so many tales. I loved to listen to them and laughed along. But I had so little to tell, not when my days were empty and repetitive, filled with alphabets and expensive clothes and silence.

"I am months, if not years away from being any good. But the wedding is right here," I continued to push.

"Go shopping with Udume, or your sisters," General Yarima suggested.

"Ah! Yes! Or better still visit the town wine parlors, get a massage, have your face rubbed. I have been there once or twice, they are very vibrant with people from all walks of life, you could learn a great deal," the Queen included.

"Does this mean I am not allowed to manage the palace? You don't think I can handle it?"

"It is not that, Nimah. I don't see why bother when you could be doing other things of worth," Her Majesty said, carefully chewing.

"Ah! You could join the horse riding gatherings on Sundays. It is a great deal of fun!" General Yarima's eyes widened with excitement.

"I want the palace. I would be very grateful if I could be allowed this."

They both stilled, throwing glances at each other, then at me. It was then they perceived just how serious I was about managing the palace, I could tell from the way their faces straightened. Nodding, Her Majesty said, "If it is what you wish, Nimah."

Digging back into my food, a smile stretched across my face. "It is."

And so it became. With the Queen's approval, all major decisions regarding the wedding now traveled through my office and it filled my day with a thousand decisions to make. Between managing the affairs of the wedding, the concubines, and palace guests, my desk was never empty, within a week, I was drowning in decision-making, Being a househusband and a ceremonial king was more than I could ask for, it was a blessing.

Except when I was trying to make sure General Yarima and Her Majesty were fed. On most days, they never had breakfast or lunch, and I was trying to remedy this by making sure food was presented before them at the right hour. It proved more difficult than forcing my four-year-old twin brothers to eat instead of going out to play. No matter how much I liaised with Amara and Preye, there was never a right time.

Deities of Deceitजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें