Chapter Twenty-six

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Nimah Eze | Twenty-six

I had only ever traveled through the clouds in my dreams. It was transcending then, and even more so awake. Through the clouds, we flew over the firefly lit city of Khada. The city was a spider web of yellow and red lights, even the largest homes were now rice grains to my eyes.

I had always envied the birds, the freedom and confidence they possessed. To be able to reach for the skies, spread their wings, and bend the air to their will, never second guessing that they could. A wonder I was now part of. The chariot and my clothes twinkled, and if one were to look up and catch sight of us, I was certain they'd think us a shooting star. The stallion's speed rivaled that of a lightning bolt, at least it felt like it.

Iman and I preoccupied ourselves with taking in all the beauty we believed to be a once in a lifetime experience. We gazed into the horizon, refraining from sharing even a single word. With one blink, I thought, it'd be over.

The stallions reached above the clouds once more, sinking the city below the soft fog, and we gazed at that too. I turned to Iman with a smile and a face scrunched as if to cry. She giggled, placing her hand on her chest. It was then the stallions began dunked below the clouds again, and in the seconds, the clouds parted ways in revelation of the formidable mountain palace. A loud burst of laughter erupted from Iman and I, nervous laughter to ease the trembling in my hand.

The rough edged mountain palace pierced high and far into the sky, challenging madioha himself in the skies, as his idol, the golden serpent stared out into the city, a reminder of what god rules above all. He watches at all times, and sees all sin.

"We should find a place to descend, Iman, else we trigger attention," I advised as we neared the serpent.

"Attention is exactly the point." Iman laughed.

I tried to return her laugh, but my lips could only form a breathy smile. The fright of what may become of us if too much attention was found, slithered up my skin.

We always worked hard to avoid attention, it had become a way of life of sorts: being invisible, a shadow, a piece of life where light never reached. It was better that way because often, attention meant terrible things for us. But Iman seemed unafraid, ready to take the palace by its reins and ride it into the night. It was slow, but second after second, she infected me the same, or rather, I was mimicking her appearance of confidence. Shoulders straight, chin up.

I looked out the window as the chariot circled the gold serpent, leaving a trail of sparkles around it in its descent. Though we were an hour late, many citizens were still making their way into the palace. Every head turned in our direction, I could spot them pointing and felt their gasps accompanied by whispers that couldn't reach my ear.

My heart began to race, second guessing how good of an idea this was. I contemplated who they thought was in the rare silver chariot, being ridden by flying stallions: a chief perhaps, a military commander, or maybe a famous stage performer. I pictured the disappointment that'd fill them after they found out it was just some measly white people. Iman sensed my growing fear and gripped my palm tighter.

"It'll be alright," she assured with a little smile. Her assurance did little to smother my nervousness, however, a sense of safety arose in me. Whatever was to be, it'd be with Iman.

The chariot touched down on the ground, and throttled to join the train of carriages heading to the entrance. The citizens traveling on foot had all stopped to witness us. I peeked out the window again and found the gazes even more intimidating, but not as intimidating as the structure that was the palace ballroom. It was a separate building from the rest of the palace, but one must enter only through the palace doors. The tall windows were carved into the wall and from it, beaming rays of golden light poured out. I caught a glimpse of the famous flaming chandeliers and my breath hitched. Excitement tangled with nervousness. I sat back, squeezing the side of my trousers.

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