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Thousands of promises, some entwined with destiny others forgotten with time will all be remembered.

Regimes crushed with time and buried under the impression of others shall rise from rubble.

Seven mafia families, two at the top and bound by promises of marriage alliance forged in iron are meant to maintain balance-

The Sylvesters and Villars

What ensues when Sylvia, oldest daughter of Sylvesters breaks the alliance by running away with a common man and gives birth to a daughter in secrecy.

A princess is born in secret.

Her name, Rue Sylvester.

Grandaughter of Dante Sylvester shall return and take her rightfully place as the princess and marry a Villar Prince.

But what happens when Sylvesters fall and the promise breaks down.

Between obsession of a man and opposition from her clan the innocent princess must choose her destiny.


🤍No toxic relationships.
🤍Enjoy your reading!

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