part 5

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        "Felix, are you ready?" Hyunjin asked, looking at his watch for the umpteenth time today. "Coming," Felix yelled from upstairs, rushing down the staircase. His hair bounced up and down as he came down. He panted and took deep breaths. 

        "Is it really that tiring?" 

        Felix glared at Hyunjin, sweat dripping down his forehead. Hyunjin just shrugged and checked his watch again, pushing Felix towards the door when he saw the time. 

        "We're gonna be late if you don't hurry your ass up."

        Hyunjin opened the door for Felix, standing tall next to him as they walked to the car. Today was the first day of concert for his new album and it was hectic. 

        "Wait! I forgot my phone!" Felix yelled, patting his pockets. 

        Hyunjin rolled his eyes and ushered him into the house, waiting outside patiently. Seconds turned into minutes and Felix was still not out. "I'm back! Apparently, I forgot a lot of other stuff as well." Felix smiled nervously.

        Hyunjin gritted his teeth, pulling Felix to the car and shoving him in. "Jeez, so rough?" Felix teased, smirking. Hyunjin mimicked him in a baby voice, glaring at him. 

        "Does this always happen when you go to perform?" he asked. Felix nodded his head, "But I usually leave much earlier." 

        "So why didnt you?" Hyunjin asked, raising an eyebrow. Felix grinned and said it was because he was lazy. Hyunjin groaned and crossed his eyes. Why was he so annoying yet so nice? 



        "Welcome, sir Felix," a guard greeted. Felix smiled back and walked backstage with Hyunjin following behind him

        He swerved passed the many backstage helpers and props, walking over to the makeup mirror. He greeted the makeup artist and sat down, ready to start his makeup. Waiting for Felix, Hyunjin stood guard next to him. 

         "You know, you can sit down."

        Felix told Hyunjin, but he shook his head. "It's my job to guard you, so thats what im doing." Hyunjin replied. Felix smiled slightly, but it quickly vanished.

        After a while, his makeup was done and he had changed into his outfit. Though he looked confident and he had done many concerts before, his hands were shaking and he frantically practised his dance moves.

        "Don't need to be so stressed, Felix." Hyunjin patted him on the back.

        Felix sighed and took a deep breath, thanking Hyunjin. He calmed himself down before walking out onto the stage.

        "Hello, Seoul! Are you ready for a wild night?"

        Felix shouted into the microphone. Fans screamed and shouted: YES!

        As the music came on and Felix started his routine, Hyunjin was backstage, admiring the aspiring idol. He smiled warmly without knowing it, somehow Felix just gave him warmth. 



        "Thank you, Seoul! Good night!" Felix said into the mic, smiling widely. "WOOOOOO!" Cheers and applause erupted from the crowd.      

        Felix walked backstage, breathing a huge sigh of relief. "I did it! YAY!" he yelled, jumping up and down. Hyunjin stared at him, amazed with how adorable he could be. "Im hungry, can we go eat?" Felix asked Hyunjin. 

        "Go change your clothes and remove your makeup first," he said. Felix grumbled and dragged himself to the changing rooms.

        "Ding!" Hyunjin's phone ringed and a notification popped up. He clicked it and saw a message by the woman.


Any new info?
                                                He can get very nervous in stressful situations and he.

He what?

        Hyunjin cringed. Why was he hesitating about giving information. This was his job.

                                  Nothing, accidentally typed it in

Alright. If you have more info, report to me immediately.


        He put his phone down, sighing. What was stopping him from telling her information? His fucking mind just wouldnt let him.

        Just as he was about to text the woman again, Felix came skipping out of the changing rooms. He wore a hoodie with baggy shorts.

        "I'm ready, let's go!" Felix hummed.

        Hyunjin followed behind the cheerful boy towards the entrance. However, the car wasnt there! Felix sighed, taking out his phone to call his driver. 

        "Apparently, he has some family issues. I guess we have to walk," Felix told Hyunjin. Luckily, a cafe wasnt too far from them and so they started to walk in the dark, cold night. 

        They walked in silence, which was calming. They moved closer to each other, allowing their body heat to warm them. Hyunjin placed his arm across Felix's waist, bringing him closer. 

        Felix's face became light red, but he embraced Hyunjin's warmth, laying his head on Hyunjin's arm. 



        After a while, they finally reached the cafe. Felix shook his legs, wincing from the soreness. "Let's eat! I'm starving!" Felix exclaimed, walking into the cafe. 

        As soon as they walked in, the entire cafe looked at them. Little did they know, the entire cafe was filled with Felix's fans! 

        "OMG, FELIX!" "Can i get an autograph?" "Please take a picture with me!" 

        Hyunjin looked over at Felix, awaiting his reaction.

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