Watching the prologue

Start from the beginning

(Y/n): No! Shut up! The abuse you two inflict on Marinette and how People lie about her to get her hurt. It is just like me back on remnant.

Ivan: that must be very enraging for (Y/n)

Max: Yeah to leave a place like that only for years later, a similar thing that happened to you  is happening to someone close to you. A person you consider a sibling.

Juleka: That would enrage anyone.

Both Parents didn't know what to say because (Y/n) is right about what's happening to Marinette is the same thing he went through.

(Y/n): So don't you dare *eyes glowing red* you are no better then my step father back on Remnant. What do you two have to say to yourselves?!

Marinette: Oh yeah he said that they was side effects to the magic of the miraculous.

Alix: That glowing eyes like that was a side effect of the wolf miraculous.

The class remembers that when this (Y/n) was reading the book of miraculous that he got. Expect Lila as the girl was confused about what they were saying.

There was no noise of anything after 2 Minutes of this (Y/n) sighs

(Y/n): (glowing red eye) Got nothing to saying huh? tch I thought so.

After that (Y/n) walked into his sister's room.

(Y/n): How is she? (Eyes back to normal)

Rose: he eyes are back to their silver colour

Nathaniel: Well he must have calmed down enough for his eyes to change back.

Kim: Isn't that something about werewolves?

Max: Correct werewolves in some fiction has glowing eyes.

Nino: Dude, I'm just trying to imagine this (Y/n) as a werewolf.

Adrien and Sabrina then thought about a werewolf (Y/n) and got nervous and a bit scared.

Adrien/Sabrina: 'There isn't a werewolf (Y/n)...right?'

Adrien: she alright now.

Alix: How can we deal with this?

(Y/n): I don't know?

Marinette: I have a idea

Team Miraculous looks towards their leader as she explains her idea by the end (Y/n) was a bit on edge but he did say he would do it.

Most of the class tries to figure out what the idea was, however Marinette, Adrien and Alix remembered something from the first time they were here and realised what the idea the Marinette has.

It was the day after, everyone was at schools, work or whatever they do, then all the television stations were playing team Miraculous Alya was going to put this and the Ladyblog, then Team Miraculous then said.

Ladybug: Hello everyone of Paris.

Chat Noir: We have decided to tall all of you.

Bunnyx: That we will be leaving Paris.

Alpha: And we are not coming back.

This shocked the class except for the three who figured it out.

Marinette: In the first reaction, this (Y/n) said that he might bring Team Miraculous to remnant.

The class but Lila and the rest of team Miraculous remember this (Y/n) saying something along those lines before.

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