Episode 42: The signs of the fall

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At the crack of dawn we awoke and ate breakfast. The carcass still needed to be polished off. We weren't all fully awake but another earthquake began. We rose up fully awake now and panicked. "I think we should start hunting again." Rexy said. "Agreed." I said. I looked at the dormant volcano and began putting pieces together. A rumble came through the ground and smoke came out of the volcano. "That's not possible." I said. "What?" Omega asked. She then gasped as she saw smoke from the volcano. "It was supposed to be dormant." I said. "How could it have become active again?" Omega asked. "I don't know but I'll find out later." I said. 

We made our way along the dirt paths following the scent of the humans. I smelled Hawkes, Kenji, Kon, Mae, and two more smells. "6 humans." I answered Rexy's question from yesterday. "Time to hunt them down." Echo snarled. Blue tapped her claw and they ran off to stalk them. Rexy went her own way. From what I could see it was the penthouse that Kenji took us too. The two new smells were an old man and a bald girl. A drone was zooming in on Kenji. "That must be the others." Gamma said. The drone did buzz around as if someone was controlling it. I heard a new voice from afar accompanied by stomps. "Time for revenge." He said. "Toro." I said. "We have to warn him." Omega said. The others went inside as Kenji and Hawkes went down a path away from the others. We followed along the trail. We arrived just in time as Toro ran at Kenji. "You won't escape me this time, boy." He roared. Kenji ran away and Toro was about to eat him when Hawkes jumped onto Toro and got a chip into his head. The others were on the other side and witnessed this. Toro roared out and shrugged him off. He leaned down to eat Hawkes but Kenji saved him using a controller and Toro stopped. "What?" He asked himself. Soon Kon appeared with more mercenaries. They must have been in the building when I was counting how many people there were. "Let's go, we can free Toro later." I told everyone mentally and we dispersed. 

When we regrouped Rexy let out a loud roar. "Human scum, I should have charged in there and eaten them all." She said. "We should have too." Blue snarled. "We will get the chance soon. We have to be strategic." I said. "Or we can run in and kill them all right now." Echo said. "I agree with Echo." Charlie said. "If we run in there now they will put a chip into us or gun us down, we don't need anyone dead." Omega said. "Fine." Echo said. Cerateo then joined us. "Welcome." Rexy said to her. "Yeah, I'm ready to kill some humans, so are Chaos and Limbo." Cerateo said. "Glad to hear it." I said. "Oi, can I join this too." A new and australian voice said. We looked at a stygimoloch that arrived. "Me too." An allo said. "Hey, I remember you two. Stigy and Alice." I said to the two. "We remember you too, mate." Stigy said. "Yeah, we're ready to help you out as well." Alice said. "Good." I said to them. "I think we might be able to take them now." Gamma said. "I'd rather be careful." I said. Another earthquake began. "This crap has been happening very frequently now." Stigy groaned. I heard Toro roar and rocks falling. "Quick this way." Rexy said and we ran through the trees to fallen rocks on top of Kenji. Toro was motionless. "Please can he be dead." Toro thought. All of a sudden Kon and his men appeared. Toro then was forced to break Kenji out. When Kenji rose up and gave Toro a fist bump. "Don't touch me!" Toro angrily thought. The men then walked off back to the penthouse. A roar was heard followed by a scream. We ran that way and saw Limbo falling down next with a chip in her head. "No." I said. "Please, let us attack them." Alice said. "Charge!" Rexy yelled. We followed through. The mercenaries didn't see us in time so we tore through them. One kill for all of us. Unfortunately the others got into the building. Stigy kept hitting the doors until Toro rammed him back. Limbo got up and began to strike us down. Alice and her circled each other. A dimorphodon that got controlled flew over us as well trying to bite us. Gamma swatted him down and held him while growling. Alice and Limbo were exchanging bites. Omega then moved Limbo away as Cerateo held her down with her foot. Me and Rexy handled Toro, easily knocking him down. The raptors growled at the penthouse windows. I switched to my dragon form and flew up and gripped onto a balcony and sent out some fire and flew off. We went back into the jungle. "We won't see them for some time." Omega said. "Good." Rexy said. "So what do we do now?" Alice asked. "We can't free them yet but you and Stigy can go with Cerateo to tell Chaos the bad news." Rexy said. They bowed and ran off. "We need to get away from here for now, we could be likely targets." Omega said. "If Alpha's fire didn't kill them." Blue said. "We can go near the camp." I said and we headed off that way. 

When we were passing through Bumpy came up to us. "Alpha!" She yelled. I turned back and patted her snout. "Hey girl, how have you been?" I asked her. "Great, the other ankylosaurs are nice to me. Is Ben here?" She asked. "Sorry, he isn't here." I told her. She looked down. "Keep an eye out for Kenji, his allegiance has turned." Omega informed her. "I will." She said and walked back to her herd. I turned back to Al and soon the others along with Chaos came back to us. We went to sleep again as we were going to need it. 

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