Episode 22: Fighting the poison

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The nightmare began as a nice dream. I was walking through a field. The field led to a forest that led to a jungle that led to a rocky area. Blood across it all. Kenji and Sammy were dead. Followed by Brooklyn. Yaz then fell. Darius was stabbed by a stone through the heart. Ben laid on a tree. He was dead too. In front of it all was a shadowy spinosaurus. Blood around him. "Who are you?" I asked him. "I am what you fear to become." It said in a rasping voice. "I have never thought about this." I said. "Yes you have, every time you think of them fearing you, this is what you all think will happen." It spoke to me in whispers. "It won't happen." I said. "That depends on you." It said and bit onto a new person. It was Omega. "You cannot frighten me." I said. "Maybe not but lets see if you can stop me. "Oh I can." I said. "Without your forms, you are in my domain." It laughed. He smacked me back into the ocean. I swam up but he dragged me down. His teeth are biting my foot. Pain seared. I was slammed into the sea floor and sea mounts pushed on me. I swam away and up to the surface. I was slapped down again. "You can't escape. Face it you are nothing, you are weak!." It roared at me. He clamped his jaws on my body and I could feel myself drowning. I then calmed down. Then I put my finger and pressed it into his eyes. He roared out. "You can't beat me in my own head." I told it. I then took us to the land. All the way up to a mountain and I snapped its jaw and killed it. 

The nightmare ended and I came back to my mind. "Your back." Al said. "The poison has slowed dramatically. Good job on whatever happened." Scorn said. "Thanks, fought a nightmare thing and snapped it dead." I told them. "What's going on?" I asked them. "Sammy, Kenji, and Brooklyn are all giving you water and trying to comfort you." Scorn said. "Are they any good at that so far?" I asked. "So-so." Cyclone said. "The others?" I asked. Yaz and Omega are searching for the antidote. Darius and Ben are setting up a trap." Al said. "How can you see this?" I asked. "We can go through different dinosaurs minds and look through them. Sammy's, Kenji's, and Brooklyn's voices kept saying sappy things. "Lets watch Ben and Darius." I said. 

We saw them moving gasoline up a gondola. "They are going to set a fire up on the mountain." I said. "A good way to draw away the Scorpius." Cyclone said. Nothing happened except a gondola set on fire. "Oh." We all said. "Next channel." I joked. We came to Yaz running with Omega. The Scorpius tailed them. Omega turned into Dawn and knocked a tree down onto him. "Serves that ugly demon right." I said. They approached the lab. They walked in and looked around. This room, the same one my family died in. The one they were murdered in. Scratches raked every part of the floor and walls. The chamber it stayed in was broken. Omega opened a computer. She searched up some stuff. I could not read it and Yaz found the antidote after destroying the area. Omega deleted everything off the computer and destroyed it. I smiled. They began to leave the area at a fast pace until they found the Scorpius, eating a dead paro. They moved slowly and I was worried. I fell down and the poison worked faster. I groaned. It was worse. I heard an explosion, a loud one. The Scorpius ran to it. I then fell back into a dream filled with nothing. My senses and grasp on reality dimmed. I was fading from life again. Darkness came over me. Pure nothing. My heart stopped. breathing stopped. Moving stopped. Thinking stopped. Everything stopped. It all came back as I was stabbed by the needle. All slowly coming back. I began to wake up. I was moving. I could barely see out of one eye and the other was scarred. I'm not gonna die. I'm gonna live. I'm gonna thrive and not nearly die again. I opened my eyes as a tear fell down on my face. Omega was carrying me away and into the forest. The others cried and comforted each other. I then raised my hand up and moved my fingers. "It's gonna take more than that to kill me." I laughed. Omega looked down with tears of joy now. I put my hand to the side of her face. "This is twice you saved me." I said. "Shut up." She told me and kissed me. I kissed back. "I knew it." Al said. "Could see it from a mile away." Frost said. "Wonderful." Dawn said. "Great job." Scorn said. "Calm down." Cyclone said. "Shut up!" Me and Omega yelled at them. We finally broke the kiss and I was placed down and towered over everyone again. We walked back. Everyone ran to me and hugged me. I hugged back. "Stop killing yourself for us." Yaz said. "Not gonna happen." I said. "Please don't nearly die again. You have no idea how hard it is to keep saving you." Omega said. "This was the last time, I swear." I said to her. The hug broke. "I think I'm gonna go to sleep." I said and walked to the forest as the rain began to stop. Omega followed me. "Are you really gonna sleep again?" She asked. "Eventually, but I ain't right this second." I told her and looked at her. We read each other's minds. "Race you to the waterfall." She said. I laughed and ran past her. Before long we made it. My mind was thinking of the children that fought with me. This all could have been avoided if Wu wasn't greedy. Next time I see him, I'll kill him. Brutally. I then laid down with Omega and we slept hugging each other. 

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