Episode 3: Rainstorm

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As the next day began it was already promising. A storm was on the horizon and if there was one thing better than dinosaurs, nature, and all that is good was a heavy rainstorm. The way life looked before, during, and after a rainstorm was just wonderful to his mind. For now though he came to a bonfire outside with the others. I was drawn to the fire and sat right beside it. The fires heat tingling my back. Darius had begun to tell his story.

"We thought it would be fun, we thought it would be safe, we didn't expect the terror waiting for us on the island. Claws, teeth, screaming. So much screaming. The T.Rex stalked closer." Darius said and it seemed to have good potential. Sammy interrupted him though. "Shouldn't we invite Yazmina over? I bet she would love  to hear this story." She asked us. "No, if she wanted to come over here then she would have come on over." I told her. Darius began to start again. "Could you stop, this is terrifying." Ben said, holding Kenji's arm makes him uncomfortable. "Keep going, also how is your grip this strong?" Kenji said. Darius would have kept going but the rain began and had cut him off. The fire began to steam and smoke. Mosquitos would definitely stop messing with them if they didn't already. While everyone went in I stayed and enjoyed the humid hair, the strong breeze and the cold rain drops. People stared at me being puzzled that I liked the rain. The day came fully and the storm had a break in it. Our next activity came. 

We were taken all the way to a migration of sorts. All these frightened dinosaurs being herded by humans on loud machines through a storm to another area was chaos waiting to happen. We were allowed to go into gyrospheres. That's when I saw three gyrospheres that can only hold two people at a time. It began to piece together in my mind when Yaz and Sammy shared the same one and then Kenji and Ben went into another. Kenji was forced however and he was not happy. Darius was already in one and was pumped. Brooklyn went with him but she was upset with her followers not liking her time here at Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous. This left me without going into one but that was okay. 

I smiled and walked up to Roxie and Dave. "I noticed there was no ride for me, can I just walk and run along them all?" I asked. They looked at each other. "No, we can't have you be put at risk." Roxie said causing my smile to drop. Dave then looked at me. "Could you even keep up and stay away from the dinosaurs?" Dave asked me. "I swear I can keep up and won't go near the dinosaurs." I told him. "I can't believe I'm saying this but go ahead." Roxie sighed. "Thank you so much." I said and bolted away. My speed was unmatched and incredible. I passed by some gallimimus. They turned and warbled at me. I chuckled. I got around the gyrospheres. Everyone inside looked at me in bewilderment. Brooklyn knew what was going on but seeing it was different to see it in person. She recorded me and the voyage we were taking. I never slowed down. Not once. I kept the same pace. My stamina was doing just fine as my body was used to this. It was almost like walking. 

The storm covered over us again and rained down with lighting and thunder added in again. A stegosaurus and ankylosaur began arguing. "Watch the tail." The ankylo grunted. "Don't be sticking your snout around my tail then." The stego replied. It got worse. Gallimimus squaked and began to scramble around. A brachiosaurus stomped on the ground and bellowed. "Calm down all of you fools."  She said to them all and stomped again. They listened. She must be the leader. Lightning then struck near one of the sinoceratops. She panicked and began to run off. "No!" The brachio groaned. The sino was in a panic. The others began to go after her before Dave and Roxie could stop them. I sighed and jumped through the herd. I passed the sino and tried to reason with it. "Return to the herd or I will move you there by force." I snarled. More lightning struck down near us and the sino hit me back. I fell and tumbled with a few scrapes and bruises. The pain was very little compared to other types of pain. 

I got up and shook myself off of the grass and ran back. "By force then you frightened animal." I said. As it ran into the jungle I was on its tail acting like a predator. As the sino began to calm down by a puddle and it drank from it and moved onto some grass. I gave off a snarl that sent it on alert. It moved around cautiously. Then I ran straight at it and rammed it in the back making it roar in panic and gallop off. I followed and began to grow hungry. The starving became intense. my enhanced hearing then set off. I could hear distress. My instincts set off to help. I then ran all the way to where the trouble was. Darius and Brooklyn were stuck in the gyrosphere sinking in mud. I grew worried for them but more so for Brooklyn. She may be a true friend and I would not want to lose her. The others got the sino I chased to pull vines. Mud began to slip into the gyrosphere. I leapt onto the hamster ball and formed one claw and began to break it off. I tore the whole door off and began to grab Darius and I threw him down onto the ground. The sino pulled hard to get the ball out. Brooklyn was almost consumed by the mud seeping in. I put my tail around her and yanked her out. She gasped but held on. I then sat her down on the top and began to let her down onto the ground gently and the sino yanked the ball and I fell into the mud. They all helped me out. "Are you all okay?" I asked. They all nodded. "Good, that's all that matters." I said and fell unconscious. "Alpha?" They yelled at me. 

It was a while before I woke up and Darius and Brooklyn were by my side with Roxie and Dave. I rose up. "Woah big guy, take it easy." Dave told me. I ignored him and rose up having the blankets around me fall down. The mud still decked my body. "Quite the thing you did, you crazy maniac." Brooklyn said and hugged me. "Thanks for that." Darius said. "You all did a great thing but we need more staff." Roxie said and they left the room. The rain was still going on so I went outside. The rain made the mud wash off and go back down to the ground. I took in the scent of the air and sighed. I let my tail hang out before I hid it again when Brooklyn came by. "You risked a lot for us." She pointed out. "I know, it was worth it to save you and Darius, my friends." I told her. She then held my hand and I held her hand back. We looked at each other and smiled. "How lucky did I just become?" I asked. "Extremely." Brooklyn said and pecked my cheek. We stood there in the rain before I went to have a proper rest. In the distance I saw Sammy. An alarm in my brain set off. She reeked of lies and fear. Why? I will find out. I then went back to my bed to sleep. As I went to sleep I heard an unnatural roar and my eyes blared open.

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