"Well, where will we go? This is our home?" One of my moms Rain said. My other mom Grace just had a shocked look on her face.

"I know some people. They're called the Arcana people. They'll take you in." He says "I told Willa to wait outside the city walls for you guys. She'll take you there. Now please, hurry. I'll try and hold them off."

"Let us stay and help you. Grace and Rain and the kids will leave," One of my other dads Tyler said but Ronald shakes his head.

"no, no your kids need you. Now please go. I don't think I'd be able to live with myself if anything happened to you guys. I love you all like you're my own blood."

My entire family and I dropped all of our things and began to run through the woods away from our house and towards the direction of the city. One thing that we hadn't accounted for was that they wouldn't all come from one direction. Soon enough, guards were springing from behind trees and attacking us. All of my family shifted except for my younger brother and I. Since we hadn't turned twelve yet we couldn't shift.

A bloodied fight broke out. One of my older brothers running up behind me and putting a hand on my shoulder, "Ren, you and James need to run and get out of here. We'll try and distract them and whatever you do, do not look back. Eyes forward, little sis, and don't stop running." then he shifted and attacked a guard that was close by. I took James's hand and ran.

We ran and ran and ran until we reached a village.

James was practically passed out. I ended up putting him on my back.

My sides hurt as if my dad spent twenty minutes tickling me and my feet ached like I had walked on hot coals.

"Oh my, are you guys okay?" An older woman says. She was holding a basket of apples. I nearly broke down in tears at her words "Here, come here kids. Let's head back to my house. I'll cook you some warm apple pie, yeah?" I let her lead us back to her house and she let us wash up and cooked us some food.

"Thank you," James says. Though he was really thankful for everything she'd done, his eyes looked empty and dead.

"No need to thank me." She said with a smile "Do you guys need a place to rest?"

"Yes," I say "if you'd be so kind."

"Well, then, let me make you guys up some beds." She then left to get some things together for us. A few minutes later she comes back "You guys can follow me." We follow her up the stairs and she leads us into a room "This was my son's old room. He lives in a house on the other side of the village now with his wife. He has two little ones. There isn't much left in it since he's left so you'll have to excuse the bearness."

She leaves us be and that's when the tears fall from our eyes. We hold each other tightly as we try and sleep. We do eventually fall asleep but are awoken by pounding on the door. We hear the woman, I realize then I never asked her name, walk down the hallway and down the stairs.

"Wait here," I tell James and he nods his head. I walk up to the door and open it slightly.

"Hello. May I help you, gentlemen?" The woman says.

"We were just wondering if you had seen any kids that seemed out of place and like they had been running away. Ones that you've never seen here before."

"No. I'm afraid I haven't."

"Alright. Thank you for your time."

"Of course. You fellows have safe travels." then she closes the door and locks it before making her way back upstairs. She spots me and smiles at me "I'm so sorry for whatever happened to you kids. Just know you can stay as long as you please."

Happy Chaosजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें