"I'm gonna facetime you, wait." he laughs again.

I hear the sudden sound of a dropped call, making me hold my phone down in front of me to see the screen. Within seconds, a facetime request from Harry shows up and I accept it right away.

I can only hope and pray that whatever they're doing, they're somewhat safe and not playing fucking chicken in the middle of a highway somewhere.

As soon as I click the green 'accept' button, Harry's pretty face is all I see, plus red lighting behind him.

I smile immediately when I see him. He does the same, a drunk and genuinely happy smile with teeth and dimples and all.

"Hi there." I chuckle.

"Hey." he grins as he looks at me through a phone screen. "I'm drunk. You're so pretty."

I laugh at his remark, hearing him laugh too because he knows how he sounds but he can't help the drunk words.

"You are too." I say in return.

He pretends to give me a wide eyed look of surprise. "I actually have a girlfriend, you can't say that to me." he jokes and I almost immediately hear Niall groan in the background of wherever they are.

"Can you stop being gross and show her!" Niall says.

"What are you guys doing?" I question, watching Harry as he's looking off at what I'm assuming is Niall and laughing again.

"Here." Harry says as he flips the camera around so now I'm seeing what he's seeing.

I first notice the red lighting of the room they're in, plus neon signs and finally, Niall in a chair with his leg extended out. I suddenly realize that I recognize this place, it's Murphy's—the tattoo shop they took me to when I got my Monarch tattoo.

There's a man hunched over by Niall's knee, and it doesn't take long for me to piece together that he's getting a tattoo.

"Oh god." I murmur, Niall looking at the camera with a coy smile on his face and a doing a 'rock' symbol with his fingers.

But it wasn't until Harry brought the camera right up to Niall's leg where the tattoo was being done. I squint, seeing the ink spelling something out.

I see a 'C U N' and my hand slaps over my mouth, earning an immediate cackle from Harry behind the phone.

This little Irish fuck is getting the word 'cunt' tattooed on his fucking knee.

"Niall!" I react as a muffle into my palm, my eyes basically bulging out of the sockets.

"Do you like it, Red?" Niall laughs like he's made the most hilarious joke ever heard by human ears.

"You're an idiot." I shake my head, but it's impossible not to want to burst out laughing at the pure absurdity of these two.

The camera flips back on Harry who's rubbing his hand over his face with a bright smile like he can't believe the ridiculousness either.

"You just let him do this?" I say through a laugh.

"I tried to stop him, I swear I did." he tells me.

I'm sure 'trying to stop him' didn't consist of much effort on Harry's end. He probably was saying 'Niall stop, don't do it' at the same time he was patting the tattoo chair to sit down on.

I chuckle once more, glad that he's having fun.

"Okay, crazy." I say, "I'm gonna eat and go to bed."

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