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Dlive is dead..I can't believe it. He's dead. After all we've been through. All of our fun times. He's gone and  I feel terrible, but then that smog starts talking to me.

"You shouldn't feel bad you know." the smog says to me.

"Why shouldn't I feel bad, Dlive was my friend! And now he's dead." I say.

"That's exactly why you shouldn't feel bad, you literally tried to kill Ohm last night."


I couldn't argue with that logic. I did try to kill one of my friends last night. But he didn't die. I tried to stab him, but some kind of force kept me from doing so.

"Ohm is immune to all attacks, as are you." the smog explains to me.

"So people are gonna try to kill me, but if they do I won't die?" I ask.

"Exactly, but there is someone you need to be careful of . The escort. They will try to distract you from killing someone. So instead of the person you were going to kill, you will be forced to kill them."

Wow, there is a lot more to this than I thought.

The smog goes on to tell me that everyone in the town has a specific role. As they are telling me this I am looking around the town. Looking at everyone and how they're acting. When I'm scanning the crowd I come across Felix looking around as well. Then he quickly writes something down in his notebook.

I narrow my eyes on him. Something was up with him. Something suspicious.

I couldn't stand being in the town center anymore, so I started off to my house.

But before I started walking Galm came up to me.

"Dude, are you okay? You don't look so good." He asks me.

"What do you mean, I feel fine." I tell him.

"Are you sure,because you look terrible!" He says.

"Well that makes me feel good about my self." I say sarcastically

"You know I didn't mean it like that" He says.

"Yeah I know, but I gotta go.." I say wanting to leave

Hes looking at me with suspicion. Hes onto me, I've gotta think of something quick to get me out of this conversation. I can't think of anything, my mind went completely blank. I was standing in front of Galm with my mouth hanging slightly open looking like an idiot because I couldn't think of anything to say. I figured the only way to get out is to just run, but before I could I was saved. 

"Galm! I need to talk to you!" Entoan says as he walks up. His eyes are swollen, because he had been crying. I can't help but feel bad.

Galm says his goodbye and walks off to join Entoan. Thank god for Entoan, my emo savior. Finally I can go home and rest. As I start off, I see something strange. Ze, Minx, and Krism walk off into, what I can only assume is Minx and Krism's house. Why would Ze need to go into their house? Now that I mention it, Ze did seem very off today. He stood as still as a statue as Mark was giving his grievances about Dlive. Plus he's wearing some ugly sunglasses. Ze never looked good in sunglasses. He looked much better without them- wait what am I saying. Ugh this entire situation has gotten my all kinds of messed up. I just want to sleep.

I finally made it back home, avoiding all contact with people as much as I could. That smog followed close. What even is that thing?! I think I'm going crazy, and this is just a figment of my imagination. God, I am going crazy. I lay down on my couch. I still haven't had time to build my bed. I close my eyes hoping to finally get some sleep. But just like last night, I was jolted awake by the same demonic voice. I stare at the knife and see my reflection. Everyone is right, I look horrible. I stand up and look out my window. I see people walk around and talking. I feel so disconnected from everyone else. I let out a sigh of sadness. I stare back at my couch and frown. I'm so tired, but I can't sleep.

I guess its true what they say. There isn't any rest for the wicked.. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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