Too Much Pressure

115 9 3

This town is very small. Like really small. I should have guessed that it wouldn't be anything like Chilled described it as. I am not really that angry about it, just a bit disappointed. I just hope my house isn't shitty! Like seriously, some of these houses are really bad! One is even falling apart! I just really want a big bedroom.

We have a really weird encounter with Mark just now. He didn't really seem like himself. Good thing Chilled got us out of that conversation when he did! As we walk away from Mark, Chilled told us he's going to look for his house. Before I could go to my house Ze starts talking to me.

"Dude, did you know the town was going to be this small?!" he asks me.

"No way. I was really disappointed when I saw it. Chilled made this town seem amazing!" I told him.


I tell Ze I'm gonna look around the town, which will probably not take me long. I just want to get used to it. As I walk around, I see some of my friends. I stop to talk to Minx.

"Hey Minx, what's up?" I ask her.

"GaLm, oh hey. I can't talk right now....I'm busy." she says as she runs off.

"Well that was odd.." I say to myself.

I decide to go to my house. Ah it seems my house has 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. Not bad, not bad at all.

I look around the house and it is really nice. I do have a choice of 3 bedrooms, so that's great. None of them are as big as I wanted, but that's okay.

I continue to look around and I notice something in one of the rooms. It appears to be a first aid kit. A really big and complex first aid kit. I don't even know what most of this stuff is. But then I do..? I know what all of this stuff is and how to work it. How??? How is that even possible!? I didn't know what any of this stuff was 2 minutes ago. How is it possible that I know what they are now? Weird.

(Time skip - night time )

I can't sleep so I keep tossing and turning in my bed. I decide not to sleep, so I get up and go to my living room. As I'm standing in my living room I hear bustling outside. I choose to ignore it, but then I hear something. A gunshot.

I run out with my first aid kit and try to find where the gunshot came from. Who do I check!!?? Where did it come back!!?? Oh god!!  

I am freaking out, so I rush to the nearest house. As I rush into the house I see Entoan sitting in quiet. Almost like he's meditating. Oh no, he wasn't the one who was shot! OH GOD WHO WAS SHOT???!! I keep running around the town until Markiplier comes up to me and tells me to go back to my house. I try to explain what is happening, but he doesn't listen!! I was forced to go back to my house. Someone was shot and I couldn't help them!! I COULDN'T HELP THEM!!

(Time skip - daytime )

I feel terrible, I hardly slept. Hell, I didn't sleep a single wink!! I just feel so guilty that I couldn't help anyone!! I am the shittiest doctor ever!!

Markiplier gathers the entire town for a meeting. I look around and see Dlive dead!! My friend Dlive is dead!! I look over to see Entoan crying. Poor guy..

I look around to see Chilled...Oh my god. What happened to him!!? He has real big dark circles under eyes. He looks dead!! Ze is wearing sunglasses looking like a statue. And Smarty....he looks broken. He even looks....guilty..

Mark explains how Dlive was shot, most likely from a veteran. Apparently they can tell that kind of stuff.

I could have saved Dlive....but I didn't..

I don't know what is going on, but I know one thing.

Some of my friends are murderers...

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