Raid On Stohess District Part 2

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"No, I doubt it would. Any more than it suits anyone else," I responded coldly.

Your POV

I watched helplessly as Annie kicked off Eren's leg and arm and smashed his head to a bloody pulp. He seemed to be defeated, but he suddenly stood up and took off toward her with one arm and one leg. He leapt up and grabbed her neck and pushed her into the ground. Mikasa then landed on the roof with us and demanded, "Help him!"

"No. With the state he's in, it's probably best that we keep our distance," Hanji told her. I agreed, there was no telling what he might do. Eren held the female titan's head up by her hair and crushed her face with his hand, causing blood to splatter everywhere. The female titan screamed in agony and swung her hardened elbow back and hit Eren in the face. She turned onto her back and when Eren went to hit her, she kicked him back and he crashed into some buildings. I was shocked when she hardened her fingers and ran the other way. She jumped up and dug her fingers into the wall, climbing it. 

"She's headed up the wall!" Jean yelled.

"She's trying to escape!" I shouted and launched myself into the air. Eren's titan jumped up and grabbed her legs and sunk his teeth into them. The titan hardened the ball of her foot and kicked him to the ground. She continued to climb up the wall, now missing a leg. 

"No, no, no! She's escaping!" Armin shouted.

"I won't let her!" I yelled back with determination. I flew up the wall at breakneck speeds and sliced her fingers off just below the parts that were crystalized, and she fell to the ground. Eren's titan pounced on her and began ripping her limbs and head off. When she could no longer fight back, he paused and stared down at her. 

"Oh no! He's gonna devour her whole!" Hanji warned.

"Eren, back off!" Jean told him. 

"Don't do it!" Mikasa pleaded. He bent down and opened his mouth wide and ripped the flesh from her name, exposing Annie. Her eyes were closed, and she was crying silent tears. Eren hesitated, which gave Annie the opportunity to do something. There was a blinding blue light and a strong gust of wind.

"They're merging?!" Armin gasped. The flesh from Eren's arms and legs seemed to be fusing with Annie's and a blue crystal-like substance was encasing the girl. Eren's titan was roaring and trying to pull away, but he couldn't.

"Stop it Eren!" Mikasa shouted as she ran toward them. Suddenly, Levi flew down and landed on Eren's titan and cut Eren from the nape of his titan.

"It's not a good idea to eat our key evidence you idiot," he said. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Levi landed on the ground and set Eren down. I ran over and dropped to my knees next to him. 

I held his face in my hands as I examined him, making sure he was okay. He seemed fine, his titan shifter marks prominent on his face. I sighed in relief and stood back up, allowing Mikasa to hold him. I ran toward Levi and hugged him tightly, "Thank you," I muttered into his chest as my eyes glassed over. I was so grateful that Levi saved my little brother from whatever was happening. 

He patted my head lovingly and said back softly, "Don't mention it." I released him and turned to the weird blue crystal that was now encasing Annie. It seemed like nobody could figure out what it was or how it got there. 

Jean was now hitting it with what was left of his blade, until the sword broke. "Damn it! All the shit we've been through, and this is what we get! Annie! Wake up! Come on, face the music! You owe us! Don't be coward! I know you can hear me!" Jean angrily swung his blade back, but Levi stepped in, grabbing his shoulder.

"That's enough. It's over," he said firmly. He hesitated but lowered his blade to his side. 

"Someone get me a wire net. This thing belongs deep underground," Hanji ordered.

"Understood," her squad responded before going to get her a wire net.

I threw my blade down in frustration and sat on the ground with my head in my hands. All of this was for nothing. Annie was trapped in some weird crystal, and we have no idea how to get her out. We have no answers and nothing else to go on. We're back to square one. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned my head just enough to see who it was. "You alright?" Hanji asked. I sighed and shook my head. She sat down next to me and turned to me, urging me to tell her what was wrong. 

"None of this even matters. We have no answers. We're back to square one and there's nothing we can do about it. This entire thing was pointless," I said angrily. She placed her arm around my shoulders and gave me a side hug. I leaned my head on her shoulder, and she laid her head on mine.

"We'll figure it out. We always do," she said with a heavy sigh. I could tell she was also feeling frustrated. I think the same question was on everyone's mind, 'Where do we go from here?' 

There were sudden shouts, and everyone was standing, staring at the wall. I looked up and saw something horrifying. A titan's face was revealed in a crumbled section of the wall. Hanji stood up and ran to look at it. I stood up too but stayed rooted to my spot. As if things couldn't get any worse. Then, one of the crazy wall worshipping priests ran up and grabbed Hanji's shoulder and muttered something about keeping it out of the sunlight.

A While Later...

I was sitting in Eren's room with Mikasa, Jean, and Armin. Mikasa and I were at his bedside and Jean and Armin standing a bit farther away. I saw Eren's eyes open which caused a small smile to grow on my face, "Hey. You feel okay?" I asked softly.

"Yeah. In fact, it's weird how okay I feel," Eren said weakly while sitting up, "So, is Annie still stuck in that thing?"

"Uh-huh," Mikasa answered.

"Yeah, you'd think after all we sacrificed to get her back; fate would cut us a little slack," Jean muttered in frustration.

"It's humbling knowing how far she'll go to keep her secrets," Armin added.

"Humbling? More like infuriating," I responded. 

"Why'd you let her go, Eren? You did, didn't you? You gave her an out," Armin asked softly, almost in disappointment.

"I know," Eren mumbled, "I didn't mean to... I just couldn't help it. When I saw her face I... I just froze."

There was a moment of silence before it was interrupted by a soldier. "Armin Arlert and Jean Kirstein. You two are up first," The man said.

"Yes sir," Armin answered.

"Debriefing time," Jean muttered.

"See you later I guess," Armin said to Eren.

"I'd better go to. There's someone I have to see," I told them. "I'll come check on you later," I said to Eren and placed a motherly kiss on his forehead. I walked out of the room and down the hall, looking for a certain tea loving captain. I saw him sitting in one of the rooms with the door open and his leg elevated. I stood in the door frame and knocked on the door, alerting him I was there. "Mind if I sit?" I asked. 

"Not at all," he responded. "How's Eren?"

I sighed before answering, "Awake. He seems a little out of it, but I think he'll be fine in a bit. Anyway, how are you?"

He let out a small chuckle and a smirk before responding, "I didn't even fight and you're asking how I am?"

I chuckled and shrugged, "I guess I am. You weren't supposed to be off the ground at all, so I want to know how your leg is."

He rolled his eyes slightly, but responded, "It's fine. Just a little sore. How are you?" 

"Fine. A bit frustrated is all. We've got more questions than answers," I replied. He nodded in understanding. A comfortable silence settled between us. 

That's one of the reasons I liked spending time with Levi. We could just enjoy each other's presence, there wasn't a need for talking. We sat like that for a while, basking in the distant sounds of chatter and birds chirping, it was a welcome peace from the anger and frustration I had been feeling.

Levi Ackerman x Reader (Without You)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن