Chapter Ten

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TW // graphic description of sexual assault. There will be a * when the scene starts and ends. The only important part of the scene is Shane confessing his love and saying he truly believed Rick was dead in Atlanta at the hospital. Please, if you will be triggered by this just skip the scene. It's not as important as your mental health.

Yasmin was in the rec room with the children and Carol, reading a book and nursing another glass of wine. She was slowly relaxing, letting her guard down. She felt like she could breathe again. The children were ushered off to bed not long after, Carl having curled up on the couch with Yasmin for the last 10 minutes.

"You go say your prayers, mijo. Mama's just gonna browse for a little, see if I can find a good bedtime story," Yasmin instructed, her eyes already locked on the bookshelf.

Carl nodded, following after Carol and to his room.

"This is the first night we might actually get some real sleep," Carol enthused.

Yasmin had never seen her so calm. The shadow of Ed was finally leaving, though still looming. Yasmin knew the scars and wounds from Ed would never leave Carol and Sophia, but they were healing. Inside and out.

"I can't wait, surprised I haven't knocked out yet," Yasmin joked, picking up a book and reading the description.

The book was quickly placed back and another was picked up. So far, none seemed like anything Carl would enjoy, but Yasmin was sure she'd find something. Just as she picked a promising book the door slammed. She whipped around, ready to throw her glass at whoever slammed the door. Shane stood there, boozed and unbalanced. Yasmin took a breath, her heart beating uncontrollably.

"Fuck, you scared me," she scoffed, placing her glass and the book down.

"I'm gonna tell you a few things and you're gonna listen to me," Shane demanded, with a bottle of alcohol in his hand.

Yasmin scoffed.

"Like fuck I am. Now is not the time."

Shane stumbled forward, staring at Yasmin's exposed collarbones. The tank top she wore made her feel too exposed now, which was uncommon. She had always been comfortable in her body and had no problem wearing revealing clothing.

"C'mon, when is it ever the time?"

Yasmin ignored Shane, instead finishing the synopsis of the book and deciding it would have to do. Hopefully, Carl wouldn't care that it was more science than fiction. She started walking to the door Shane entered through, but he stood in her way.

"How can you treat me like this?" He muttered, barely meeting her eyes.

Yasmin scoffed.

"You're fuckin' kidding, right?"

Shane shook his head.

"Because you told me my husband was dead. A week later, you tried to get with me."

Yasmin stormed off to the exit.

"Yasmin, I didn't lie to you, alright? I didn't. Do you know what it was like out there?" Shane argued, following close behind Yasmin, slamming the door she tried to open. "Stop. Things were falling apart. They were slaughtering people in the hallways. It was a massacre. There were walkers everywhere."

"And so you left him?" Yasmin debated, disgusted with Shane.

She could feel her anger rising and knew if Shane didn't get out of her way soon so would beat him black and blue.

"Everybody else ran. There were no doctors there. It was just me. He was hooked up to machines and I did not know what to do. I even took my ear and I put it on his chest and I listened to a heartbeat and I did not hear one. And I-I-I-I don't know why. Maybe it was gunfire. I don't know what it was, but there was no way he could be survived that. No way," Shane pleaded, slamming his fist against the door.

Yasmin was sure he was going to cry but couldn't bring herself to care.

"He did."

"Yeah, but then I had yall to think about, didn't I?" Shane argued, stepping closer to Yasmin until she was pinned against the ping-pong table. "I had you and Carl, and I needed to think about—"


Yasmin begged for Shane to let her go, her shirt riding up and her baggy shorts slipping further down her slim hips.

"I had to get you guys safe to Atlanta. That's what I had to do. Just stop. I'd you thought for one second that he was still alive, would you have come?"

Yasmin didn't respond, scared out of her mind. She felt paralyzed. Just as she believed she was strong enough, brave enough to survive in the apocalypse, something proved that she wasn't. She was still that scared woman who could barely comfort her own child when rushed out of Atlanta.

"So I saved your life. You and your little boy's. That's what I did. Right?" Shane pleaded in a whisper.

Yasmin wasn't sure what he was begging for. She started at him with wide eyes, mouth opening and closing as she tried to form words. Her throat felt like it had swelled shut and her mouth had run dry. No amount of spit or water would've fixed it.

"And if I could've traded places with him, I would have. I would trade places with him right now because... No, no, no, you."

Shane placed his hand on Yasmin's throat, his thumb stroking gently at her jaw. Jasmine swallowed, trying to force her mouth and throat to just fucking work. To just spit out anything, a whisper at least. Shane mistook it for a different type of nerves.

"I love you," he whispered.

"No, no, you're drunk. Quítate!" Yasmine begged, finally finding her voice. Get off.

Shane leaned closer, closing Yasmin into the table. The edge dug into her back, surely to leave a mark.

"And I know that, with time, you can love me too."

Shane forced Yasmin into a kiss, his tongue jamming into her mouth. Yasmin tried to fight back, pushing and punching him but not with her full force. She couldn't muster up the courage. 

"Listen, you'll love me," he begged, his hands grabbing at her skin.

He moved one of his hands into her shorts and over her underwear, ignoring her sobs and began to stop.

"I love you. There's no one here."

Something about the sick way the words curled around Shanes's mouth finally made Yasmin snap. She scratched at Shane, piercing the skin of his face and neck. Shane moved away, hand moving to touch his bleeding wounds. Yasmin didn't waste a second in grabbing her things and running. She went to her room and to the shower, ignoring Carl's hello calls for her.


After showering, again, and feeling clean, Yasmin came out to read the book to Carl. Luckily, Carl didn't ask too many questions about the tears on his mother's face or the way she had rushed into the room. He was too tired too and fell asleep before Yasmin finished the chapter.

Rick joined the family not long after, curling up with Yaamin after turning the light off.

"We don't have to be afraid anymore," Rick whispered, easily mistaking Yasmin's tears.

Yasmin didn't have the heart to tell him what Shane had done, Instead nodding and smiling.

"We're safe here. Alright?"

Rick stroked Yasmin's cheek and hair with both hands, wiping away her tears. He kissed her forehead before she rolled over, spooning her and burying his face into her hair before falling asleep. Yasmin followed soon after, exhausted.


Turns out I lied, there's gonna be another chapter or two of Act I. I didn't mean for it to be, but the Shane scene took longer than I thought. Chapters unedited, might be for a while. This was really triggering to write, but I'm okay. I don't have the mental capacity to edit that scene atm, so if there's any errors leave a comment and ill get to them eventually. I hope y'all enjoyed, as much as it's possible to enjoy something so disturbing. I'm sorry that I wrote it honestly, but I felt that it was important to both Shane and Yasmin's development, especially with what I have planned for Yasmin in later seasons. Love y'all xx

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