Chapter Eight

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The group had left for the CDC. Shane had tried to argue for Fort Benning, but ultimately the group believed in Rick. Morales had decided, along with his wife and children, to leave and search for the rest of their family in Birmingham. Rick gave them a gun and some ammo, enough to hopefully protect them until they either find their family or could scavenge for more. It was a tearful goodbye, the children most upset. Poor Carl had, had a crush on their daughter. Yasmin hoped that she would see the family one day, maybe when everything was over.

Yasmin was driving, following after the RV. Rick had tried to fight her to the driver's seat but was only just slow enough to lose to Yasmin. Carl giggled with Sophia at his parent's antics from the backseat, where Carol also sat.

The RV didn't last very long, the hose once again breaking while on the highway. It was more tape than anything, leaving the engine smoking and the group stuck in the middle of nowhere while they figured out what to do. During the wait, Jim decided he couldn't handle the drive anymore, his glass bones almost breaking over every little bump. The group decided to take a vote while Yasmin sat with the children and distracted them after telling Rick her opinion. Let Jim decide.

Dale shared the same belief, leading the group to lay Jim by a tree. He refused a gun, instead wishing to turn and be with his family once again. More tears were shed, mostly those closest to him like Jacqui, before everyone said their goodbyes.

"I'm sorry Jim," Yasmin muttered, trying to smile.

"Don't 'pologise, Ya'min. Just take care've those kids," he muttered through choked breaths.

Yasmin nodded, trying not to choke herself, before walking back towards her the cars and letting Rick take the wheel. She quickly got herself together, knowing she had to be strong for the kids and herself. She was learning that she needed to harden herself to adapt. She was slowly closing herself off, knowing all that mattered anymore was the group, her family. She would make it. She would outlive this world. No matter what.

Yasmin's train of thought ended just as they pulled up to the CDC. Exiting the cars, all anyone could smell was the rotted flesh of decomposed bodies and the sound of thousands of flies. Maybe even hundreds of thousands.

Walking closer to the buildings everyone held a weapon, bar Carol and the children. Yasmin stuck close to them, her knife clutched so tight in her hands that her knuckles had turned white. She wasn't ashamed to admit she was scared. She was fucking terrified. She would not let her fear control her anymore. Her grip relaxed enough to be comfortable but not loose as she breathed deeply, gagging and spluttering at the taste of decomposition.

Shane whispered commands for the group to keep moving, stay quiet and stick together as they walked towards the metal shutters of the CDC. Yasmin pulled an old rag out of her pocket, ripped it in half, and handed it to Carl so he could breathe more comfortably. She then ripped a piece of her shirt for Carol and Sophia, exposing a section of her midriff just above her belly button.

The group finally got passed all the bodies and to the doors but they were locked shut. No amount of knocking or banging would open them. Rick tried to argue that someone was inside, but everyone else had given up hope. The banging had attracted walkers, swarming in on the group. The sun had also set, leaving the group severely disadvantaged.

"Mi amado, we need to leave," Yasmin whispered to Rick. My beloved.

The leader refused, insistent that someone was inside.

"You led us into a graveyard!" Daryl growled, shooting arrows into the heads of walkers.

"He made a call," Dale tried to defend, always the peacekeeper.

"It was the wrong damn call!"

Shane, Daryl, and Rick started arguing, everyone screaming at Rick that he was wrong and they needed to leave. Yasmin hated that she sided against her husband, but she wanted to live. If that meant she would be on opposing sides, then she would reluctantly do so.

"We'll think of something," Rick tried to reason to no end.

"Come on, let's go," Glenn instructed, starting to usher people away.

The group started to leave, all yelling to hurry before Rick rushed back. He banged on the shutters, claiming he saw the camera move.

"Rick, please," Yasmin begged, trying to drag him away from the doors as he plead for their lives.

Yasmin grabbed onto Carl, pulling him towards herself as they ran to the cars. It was no use. They were dead, she was sure of it. Shane pulled Rick, who was still fighting and screaming, to the vehicles.

"You're killing us! You're killing us" Rick howled.

Yasmin almost had to block her ears at the heartbreaking cries.

The group had barely moved 5 feet when the shutters opened, a bright light blinding everyone. Yamin moved one of her arms to shield her eyes, the other clutching Carl to her back. They were saved. They would live. She would survive.


The next chapter or the one after is the final chapter of Act I!! I'm sorry it's taken so long to update, but I'm really excited to write atm. Love y'all <33

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