Chapter 2. Alexandria

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3rd POV. (09:53 AM.)

Paul groggily awoke from his sleep, his head was pounding. He has gotten a little headache, after the crash yesterday. He blinked a few times and rubbed his eyes, only to realize he was still in the same cell he had been in the night before. He had hoped it was all a dream, but then remembered about the man he met yesterday, Daryl. A smile appeared on his face, thinking about Daryl. He sat up against the wall, leaning his head back. He closed his eyes, hoping the headache would disappear on it's own.

Suddenly, Paul heard the door to the basement creak open, and Daryl stepped through. He strode up to the cell and looked at Paul with a calm, yet grumpy expression on his face. 'We'll get ya back to yer' own camp. Ya don't seem like no threat to us.' Daryl said as he sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. Paul was filled with conflicting emotions. He wanted to be reunited with his people, but he also had a feeling that he wanted to stay with Daryl, and his people.

Paul knew Daryl was a good man deep inside. Though he didn't really show it, he could still see it through that tough appearance. And he wanted to repay him for his kindness, for saving him yesterday. After a few moments of thought. 'I wanna stay here.' Paul said as he stood up. 'Her'? In the cell? Or her' at Alexandria?' Daryl asked jokingly and chuckled silently.

'No, Daryl. I wanna stay here.' Paul took a step closer to Daryl. 'At Alexandria, it seems safe, and a lot better than where i'm from.' Paul continued. Daryl inhaled deeply. 'And why's that? Daryl said in a heavy sigh. 'There's this man who leads the camp, his name Gregory. He's so irritating.' Paul replied, and stepped all the way over to the cell bars. 'Ya wanna stay her'? Cos' of an irritatin' man?' Daryl asked with a raised eyebrow, slightly confused. 'You don't understand Daryl, he's being a real idiot.' Paul laughed breathy. 'A'right then.' Daryl replied.

Daryl stepped aside, and grabbed the keys for the cell hanging on a hook. He unlocked the cell door, and let Paul out. Paul stepped out of the cell with a soft smile looking at Daryl. 'Ya better be careful. One wrong move, and yer' dead.' Daryl grumbled looking Paul into his eyes with a serious expression. Paul raised his hands out in front of himself, almost as if he was surrendering. 'I won't do a thing.' Paul said with a slight soft smile. 'A'right, whatever. Let's go, i'll show ya around.' Daryl replied as he began to walk. 'Great, thanks.' Paul said following behind.

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Daryl showed Paul around, and introduced him to some of the others living at Alexandria. Everyone was initially suspicious of him, knowing that a stranger was gonna live there. But Daryl vouched for him, and said he was a good guy. Rick, the leader of Alexandria, wasn't convinced. Rick's thought of letting Paul walk around freely didn't feel like the best idea. But Daryl argued that they could use Paul's help. He promised Rick that Paul was trustworthy, and would be great to have in the group, even though Daryl wasn't too sure about it himself. After a long tense discussion, Rick finally agreed to let Paul stay. He told Daryl to keep an eye on Paul and make sure he was following Alexandria's rules.

(10:48 AM.)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Daryl and Paul was walking together down a street in Alexandria. 'Paul. We gotta find ya sum' place to sleep.' Daryl said. 'Yes, you got a place?' Paul asked smirking slightly at Daryl, trying to make it sound like a joke. Daryl glanced over at Paul. 'Yeah i do. But ya ain't gonna live with meh.' Daryl grumbled and looked straight ahead as they were walking. Paul sighed heavily. 'That's too bad. I suppose i gotta find somewhere else to sleep then.' Paul said still smirking slightly. Daryl grasped Paul roughly by his jacket, and held onto him tightly. 'Ya really thought ya were gonna stay at mah place?!' Daryl shouted.

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