she knew.

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She knew she was a power of destruction.

Fleur Kim knew from the moment she was born that she was normal.

She knew the whole world was against her from sucess and fame, and ever finding her happy ending.

The universe never expected her to fight back, and just accept her miserable fate.

She could still smell the cold paint of the orphanage, watching through a window as kids left and entered the four walls, most of them leaving.

She never left.

And she could recall the flowing of hot wet tears as she realized no one was going to give her the home she needed.

Her childhood was never a happy one. It was all a blur of watching other kids getting adopted, and such.

And she hated her childhood, the fact that she was so powerless made anger coarse through her veins.

And then at thirteen, she thought she had gotten better.

Modeling had distracted her-she didn't have to do anything but pose for a while and sit still.

But, there was only so much one could be distracted by.

Eventually even such a stoned statue will crack, and crack-until it collapses into pieces.

You know the saying, Rome wasn't built in a day?

Fleur thought she could build it in an hour.

She built herself by herself and in essentially, the quickest way possible.

That was her.

The industry.

The indestructible.

She was the forever winter.

The midnight rain.

She would carry her own weight on her shoulders like how the gods carry the earth on his.

And during the early years of her career, she had done it all by herself on a laptop in her room in the orphanage.

She didn't sit at the window every day for hours waiting for someone to pick her up, instead she would devout herself in work and her career and in school.

And she succeeded.

Straight As and got accepted into multiple fashion industries.

And then there was also Yula. The only person beside herself who cared for her.

Although they didn't spend a lot of time together, Yula did everything she could to make Fleur happy.

She had raised her.

She also remembered occasionally that Yula in a sense saved her-she basically raised her when she was a baby and took care of her. She was always thankful for that.

But she was never satisfied.

Never satisfied.

She would constantly remember the pain.

And that pain would make fleur the face of the world.

Graduating early from Highschool for her career, she knew what she wanted in life.

Yula always said to her,

"Never push yourself so hard you forget who you are."

Screw that.

She would push herself to the brink of insanity.


Every human has a brink.

A brink of collapse.

Fleur didn't think it was possible.

She never cried ever since she was thirteen, or batted an eye to anything else but what was important.

But it was coming.

The downfall of her mental state.

After all, there's always a limit.

DAYLIGHT - jeon jungkook.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon