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A/n: Chrollo has Major Drip


I rushed through several corridors with a book in my hand. I stared to my side. A clear view of where I was, displayed easily thanks to the broken glass, showed me just how bad my fall would be, were I to trip.

There was a small chance to survive falling to the top floor of a skyscraper... as small as it might be, unlike facing the three I was fighting.

I looked in front of me and stopped abruptly, and a shadow cast itself in front of me. A blond with a bowl cut rose his hand, each finger with a ring attached to long chains. Crimson eyes stared me down with a hateful glare. Staring at them, I wondered if I could talk my way out of this.

The glass next to me made a sliding sound. I turned my head while staying attentive to the person in front of me. An old man with spiky blonde hair stood with both hands in front of him, ready to attack or block. Clearly, he was a seasoned fighter.

I felt a presence close in from behind, my En doing extra work to warn me of incoming enemies. I turned my head. A tall man with long flowing ash-blonde hair and a chiseled face stared me down. He was incredibly intimidating.

Was even a way out of this situation... an average Joe like me fighting these big shots was just unfair.

"Damn me and my luck! I cursed, opening the book in my hands, a page containing a large cloth and the image of a scraggly man with an orange Hawaiian shirt. "I'm guessing there's no room for dialogue here. No chance you'll let me go?" 

I tried... but these three would not budge.

"You are tricky, tricky. It's been a while since I've had a target this slippery..." Zeno, the old man, narrowed his eyes. "Let's make this quick, Silva!"

Silva, the large blonde, nodded. His aura spiked and focused on his hands, gathering like iron filings to a magnet. My entire body screamed "DANGER, THAT SHIT'S NOT COOL!" and I had to agree, that did seem like a huge energy blast of Kamehameha proportions. Would totally try to stop it, but if I tried, the little blondie in front of me would kick my ass, and the grandpa would join in the fun.

Unfortunately, Silva wasn't the only one. The Crimson eyed blonde also began his attack, his chains extended and shot themselves my way. I had to tilt my head and jump back to prevent it from wrapping around me. Simultaneously I had to turn to my side because Gramps was feeling lonely. 

"Go to a retirement home already damn it!" I yelled, forced to dodge by hopping on one leg. Of course, I wasn't faster than him, so I was also required to redirect his attack... and that old man - who was deceptively strong, by the way -- burned my hands with his nen, just touching it hurt. Still, better my hands sting a little than my entire torso missing

Silva's attack charged way faster than one would expect. All of the things happening as it did were done in a split second. I may not have been an Enhancer, but I could still keep up with all this movement. 

I had to focus on Silva now, otherwise, I'd die... I had to think of something in the split second of that split second. I couldn't focus on all at the same time.

Quickly, I used my own aura to conjure something from my book, "Ack!" I almost choked, barely dodging another chain. The Fun-Fun cloth was an extremely OP one-shot kill ability... most of the time, the problem was its utilization. As Silva moved to shoot his -- way too much for me -- attacks, I wrapped the cloth around myself.

The large masses of aura were shot. I fell to the ground. Fun-fun cloth allowed me to minimize the size of anything wrapped by the cloth, thus, a one-shot kill if you wrapped it around the enemy, it only had one requirement, and it was that it had to somehow wrap around the thing it minimizes.

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