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"What is it?" Brandon demanded sitting up.

"Well, it's just she came by yesterday and... something happened. She asked me not to tell you, but I think it's important you know."

"What? Spit it out."

"You have to promise you're going to stay calm."

"I'm not promising anything until you tell me what we're talking about."

Chris sighed, "She stopped in saying she was looking for you but when I told her you weren't around she sort of started... coming on to me."

Brandon stared at him wordlessly. His jaw clenched.

"I mean, I told her I could never do anything like that to you but she wouldn't let up."

"I don't believe you" Brandon said though inside a slight twinge of doubt rolled in his stomach.

"It's the truth. I made her leave but she was pretty pissed off. I'm sorry, man. I never thought anything like this would happen."

Brandon sat in shock. He didn't want to believe that it was true but the way Lily was acting towards Chris that night it seemed pretty dead on.

"I don't understand. When you say she came on to you... what do you mean exactly?" he asked in a short voice. He could feel himself getting physically sick at the thought but tried to keep it together not wanting to look weak in front of Chris.

"She tried to kiss me and asked if we could... you know..."

"Asked if you could what?" Brandon demanded sharply. He needed to hear him say it. It was the only way it was real.

Chris had to bite back the smile building as he watched Brandon getting more and more heated with each word. It was like a twisted little game. And he knew the more he played the more likely he'd be able to get Lily all to himself.

"If we... if we could hook up."

Brandon inhaled deeply as he felt all the air leave his lungs.

"There's no way. This doesn't make any sense"

"Brandon, look at me. Have I ever lied to you before?"

He slowly shook his head considering this. He'd known Chris all his life. Chris had even let Brandon make the move out with him at 14 when he was only 18 himself just so Brandon could go to a good high school and have a better shot at colleges. He'd always looked out for him. 

"I'm sorry, man. I thought she was a good one" Chris said patting him on the back. Brandon turned away from his cousin punching the dry wall with a strong fist.

Chris had never lied to him before. He'd always told Brandon the truth even if it would piss him off or hurt his feelings; which is why Brandon believed every word of the bullshit story.

"It's not your fault. I gotta go."

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