Chapter 24: Where It All Fell

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Chapter contains 4050 words in total.

It was currently 3'o clock in the morning, me, Victoria, Matt, and Draco set foot inside the Room of Requirement.  We made sure that the vanishing cabinet was working, it should be working. We have to be prepared for what's about to happen later evening, everyone does. All of us were still in our pajamas, standing in front of the cabinet. Draco, however, was holding a bird. I had no idea what he needed the bird for, he never said anything. Draco stood in front of the cabinet, whilst we stood behind him. He opened the vanishing cabinet and stood there for a little while, I could see he was having some deep thoughts, he was acting nervous for some reason. Thus, he opened the vanishing cabinet and put the bird inside, he chanted an incantation - 'Harmonia Nectere Passus' before gently closing the cabinet. When he opened the door, the bird was gone. Completely gone.

Me, Victoria, and Matt looked at one another shockingly. Does that mean it worked? A vanishing cabinet is a portal, connected to two places. Draco closed the door again and waited a couple of seconds before opening it again, when he did, the bird was there. Again. He picked it up and checked if it had no bruises or wounds, when he confirmed there wasn't. That means the vanishing cabinet worked, Draco successfully repaired it and we were more ready than ever.

Christmas Break are starting tomorrow, so this will be a fresh start for us. Although, I just remembered, we're having a trip to France this 16th of December with the golden freaks. Which makes this month even more exciting.

All of us safely and discreetly returned to our rooms afterwards and took the rest of our time to take a nap before the feast and classes starts. I have to wake up 6 in the morning to get ready, the feast starts at exactly 7:30 in the morning. Then I have HOM, Herbology, 2 hours of Transfiguration, Lunch, another 2 hours of COMC, Ancient Runes, and lastly Dinner. Nonetheless, I have about 2:30 hours of sleep, so I have to get enough energy for the day. I quickly forced myself to sleep and I eventually did.

Soon as I woke up Victoria was already in her uniform, she was buttoning up her shirt. She wore our usual Slytherin vest, white buttoned blouse, Slytherin tie, black skirt with black tights on, and some pink fluffy slippers from Versace.

"Morning, beauty." Victoria said with a smile whilst fixing her tie.

"Morning, Aurora. Had a nice sleep?"

"Aurora is such a beautiful princess. Oh, and does 2 hours of sleep look nice to you [F/n]?"

"I suppose not." I said with a smile and got inside the bathroom.

I took a nice warm bath and thoroughly cleansed myself for the day, I washed my hair with shampoo and conditioner, scrubbed my body with body wash and milk salt scrub which is the best for moisturizing and glowing skin! After I was done I wrapped my hair around with a towel and wore a robe, I brushed my teeth and rinsed it with some mouthwash and flossed my teeth. I also did my skincare afterwards, the best skincare products or routines you can use daily is either from Korea or Japan. I use organic products and less chemical, more chemical can make you breakout as fuck! After I was done with my skincare, I put on some lotion and applied body butter on some certain spots like the knees and elbows. I went outside the bathroom and changed into my uniform, I wore a long-sleeved vest with the Slytherin logo and underneath I wore a white button blouse with my slightly loose Slytherin tie, I rolled up both my sleeve above my lower arm and tucked everything in my short black-pleated skirt, I also wore knee-high black socks and my gorgeous gray fluffy flip flops from Dior! Afterwards, I blowed dry my hair and applied hair serum on my scalp for protection. I curled them into medium-wave curls and sprayed setting spray, then, I put on some light makeup, wore my cute little diamond earrings and my minimal charm bracelet from Tiffany and Co.

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