Chapter 8: I'm not sick.

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I suppose roaming around Hogsmeade at night was a complete mistake, and I hope I could've just gone back time and never agreed with Blaise in the first place. Because it was cold and windy, I got sick. What happened last night was a fun experience, yet someone had to show up and killed joy.

We all sat at the Great Hall, eating our food and talking to one another, whilst I remained silent. Whenever I talk, I feel like something sharp is scratching my throat, I have a headache, I feel cold but my body feels scorching hot. It was clearly intentional for me to get sick, but I should've used my head and suspected for it to happen. What's the use of me being second top best of my classes and being the first top on potions? Seriously..

Although, I get to wear my favorite pair of crop-top hoodie and sweatpants! Whilst wearing socks and slippers, it's a good thing it's Saturday, but it's Quidditch, and imma have to sit this one out, otherwise i'll just fall of my broom if I force myself to play.

Whilst eating, I suddenly felt something hot and burning going up my throat. I gagged and covered my mouth holding it in, all of my friends looked at me when they heard me gagging.

"Did you just gag-?" Blaise asked.

I swallowed in really hard and spoke softly since my throat fucking hurts so much. "I don't know what you're talking about." I replied and continued eating my food. Blaise shrugged and didn't want to argue furthermore.

"Why'd you look so pale? Your eyes are red.." Victoria suddenly asked as she looked at me.

"Cause I just woke up."

"You were also silent the whole day, something wrong?" Pansy asked, it was cute how they were all concerned about me. But come on, i'm fucking sick and all the questions are annoying me since I can't talk much.

"No." I uttered.

"I know something is wrong." Mattheo said.

I only glared at him and didn't respond, my throat is about to give up itself at this point. Seeing from their faces they didn't want to begin an argument with me and gone back to talking to one another, I decided to eat soup and it did help a bit.

Though, I suddenly felt someone touching my neck, I turned around while remaining seated. Of course, it was my dear, blonde cousin! Draco.

"You're sick," He muttered and took a seat beside me.

"What!?" Blaise and Theodore said in unison.

I looked at Theodore and raised a brow not minding Blaise's existence. "Since when did you get here?"

"I've been here since you've been here-" He said. "You can't get sick! Who else would play for seeker!? You're the best one amongst all of them!"

I face palmed myself upon his audacity to say that, it is health over everything else! Including quidditch..

"Draco can sub for me." I said.

"I don't play anymore-"

"Come on! We need you since [F/n] is sick." Theodore insisted. Theodore begged him for 20 minutes straight.

"Quidditch isn't until the day after tomorrow, [F/n] would be better then." Draco said as he rose himself from his seat, just as he was about to walk away Victoria stopped him.

"Oh, right.. Sorry, I just panicked since you and [F/n] are the only best ones out there! No one can ever replace you both!

Draco sneered, and rose from his seat.

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