Chapter 4: Welcome Back Professor!

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We've finally arrived at Hogwarts. Everyone settled themselves in the Great Hall, on of my favorite places to stay at. Or eat. The Sorting Ceremony is just about to begin, we're just waiting for the first year students to arrive at the grounds.

I sat beside Pansy, Victoria, and her younger sister, Eleanor Parkinson. Although, and unfortunately she is sorted in Gryffindor. She is also still in her 5th year. But, I truly understand why she is sorted in Gryffindor. She is sweet, courteous, patient, clever or smart (She is third-top smart before me and Granger), and calm most of the time.

If you're asking why she is seated at our table, because she wants to. Oh, basically and unfortunately she's friends with the golden trio.

Anyway — the whole room is being encompassed with laughters, whispering, chattering, or the sounds of footsteps when students come in and out. But, not long after Professor McGonagall told us to stay in one place and not move in our seats — since, the sorting ceremony is about to begin.

Thus, the grand doors opened itself. Giving the first years access to go inside the Great Hall. Everyone looked at them, I could feel the memories going back to me when I first went to Hogwarts. I was not nervous, no. But, I was confident and cunning.

I was top of my classes, but, I hope I could still be the same, smart me even if I became one of them. I just hope that it won't be a distraction to my studies, and remain of having the determination to be smart, productive, or be the cooperative student.

Nevertheless, the sorting ceremony began. There are tons of new students at our house, Slytherin. But, mostly on Gryffindor. And a few on Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff.

Finally, the feast began! Everyone instantly launched into eating, consuming the taste of such appetizing dishes that magically appeared in front of us. Whilst me, Victoria, and Pansy talked and ate. Joining our laughters together, asking one another about our summer.

We sent each other letters every week though.

"So, how was your summer at the manor?" Pansy asked.

I responded, whilst plopping a spoonful of black pudding into my mouth. "It was good, and a bit dull for the most part."

"Dull? How come?"

Victoria instantly commented before I did. "Cause I wasn't there for a week, I still came back though."

Pansy turned to Victoria instantly, and asked her. "Why weren't you there for a week?"

"I stayed at Theodore for awhile, with his girl cousin named — Olivia Tonks. She's the daughter of the sister of Theodore's father. Get it?"

I interfered, "Olivia Tonks?"

Victoria responded, "Yes. Olivia Tonks."

"Is she related to the Tonks I know or just a coincidence?"

"Base from what I know, Theodore's father disowned him right?"


"- And he was then adopted by his foster parents - Ted Tonks and Andromeda Tonks. Basically speaking, Nymphadora Tonks is now his foster sister."

"Nymphadora? The Auror?"


"Does she go to school here?" Pansy suddenly asked.

Victoria turned to her sharply, "Have you ever heard someone here with the name Olivia Tonks, Pansy?"


"Is she pure-blood?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think? I'm not 100% sure." Victoria explained, thus turned to me with a curious face. "Hang on.. [F/n], you're literally the top two most smartest student of Hogwarts! You're gifted with natural intelligence!"

I scoffed. "Bitch, I still am. The fuck do you mean?"

"Nothing." She flashed me a bitch smile.

I rolled my eyes and cleared my throat. I began, "Anyway, how about you, Pansy? How was your summer in LA?"

"Los Angeles was so fucking pretty!" Pansy exclaimed, "It's been years since we visited LA, you guys have totally go and check it out!"

"Yeah.. We did-" Victoria said.

"Probably more than 4 or 5.." I added.

Pansy looked at us as if she wasn't surprised about it, it was like she predicted us to say it. "Yeah, I'm not surprised. You two are rich as hell."

"You are too, Pansy. Your parents are great supporters of the pure-blood supremacy. Plus, they have decent jobs, and makes good income." I stated, which clearly made her agree.

"Though, we're not that wealthy compared to your families. We are a just normal family, we don't have multiple mansions, or own multiple luxury cars."

I knew it was true, Pansy wasn't that wealthy. I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable, so I made a way to change the topic. "Here we go with his boring speech again, so lame."

Victoria groaned, "And it's the same fucking speech every year, when will he make a new one for Merlins sake?"

"Uh.. It's not the same speech every year, Victoria. You don't know that because you never listen." Pansy faintly grinned. Victoria knew it was the truth and rolled her eyes instead.

And thus, Dumbledore began speaking. Though, he was talking about a man. A young man, I assume.

"He was a student, like all the others. His name —" Dumbledore paused, "Tom Riddle."

Instantaneously, whispers and gossips erupted in the whole room.

"Riddle? Your father?" Pansy turned to you, leaning close.

I responded, sighing deeply. "Yes. My father."

Pansy shook her head afterwards, and turned her attention to Dumbledore instantly. He continued speaking, still talking about him. Yes, I knew what he was doing. He was trying to warn the people — that he, the dark wizard whom all people feared.

Is back.

It was clearly obvious to me, his intentions. But, I never bothered. After all, he'd prefer his students to remain safe. Rather than being the next dead victim. What happened last year, was a catastrophe. I was there, I saw it all, but I didn't do anything. I didn't have a choice. Potter saw me, but didn't identify me, since I was wearing a black cloak, and the Death Eater mask. The disguise was fully covering my appearance, making it hard for Potter and his friend to recognize me.

Nevertheless, the speech ended, along with the feast. Which food magically disappeared. Thus, our prefects which is the lovely Pansy Parkinson, and a random male 5th year assisted the first years to their dorms. Along with the older students who followed from behind.

"Nice prefect skills, Pansy." I mocked, laughing with Victoria. Fyi — no, it wasn't a mean mock. It was a friendly mock.

She turned to me, "Shut the hell up, [F/n] Riddle." She declared, as we went inside our common rooms.

Me and Victoria settled ourselves in front of the fireplace, whilst she took the first years to their dorms. And got back with us, shortly after. We chattered, and gossiped. Only the three of us. The other students were either reading, or chilling at the library, or already asleep in their dorms.

I felt more alive, more happy.

And this feeling, is never better.

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