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Naoto had heard what happened and arrived at the scene immediately. He saw Takemichi's body bleeding out, and the faces of sorrow and disbelief of his husbands, and ran over to them as fast as he could. 

The second he reached them, he instantly knew Takemichi was dead. 

"Please... Please try and shake his hand, I- I can't lose him Naoto," Chifuyu begged.

And although he had a feeling it wouldn't work, he did decide to try it for them. He crossed his fingers and toes as he leaned down to Takemichi's body and shook his hand.


And sadly for them,

nothing happened.

Naoto usually felt a surge of lightning when he and Takemichi had shook hands before, but he hadn't felt a single thing except the feeling of Takemichi's cold hand. 

"I- I'm sorry," he said as he began to weep, "I- it didn't work..."

He then looked at Baji, who he noticed hadn't moved the entire time he'd been there. Seeing as he was close to them, as if they were family, he hugged him to calm him down. "Keisuke," he said and stepped back, "Are you here?"

Baji then slowly snapped back into reality, "Y-yeah," he said.

Chifuyu and Kazutora then stood up and hugged Baji too, each one crying into his chest. Chifuyu, thinking he was holding Baji's hand, accidentally grabbed onto Naoto's hand, and shook it.

Naoto then gasped, 

"Wait," he called out.

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