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"Aren't you adorable," Takemichi said to his new bundle of joy. 

Kazutora, Baji and Chifuyu were sulking in a corner. "It's been a week since he talked to us alone," Kazutora said. "He's always with that cat. He doesn't even let me touch him," Chifuyu whines. "What's so good about him anyways...," Baji says and clicks his tongue. "Fuyu, go talk to him," Kazutora says. "I'll try, but if I succeed... he is mine," Chifuyu says and walks off. 

Chifuyu, surprisingly, managed to get Takemichi to pay attention to him. They were playing with the cat together and Takemichi was showing Chifuyu his paws. If you are wondering how he managed to get Takemichi to talk to him, it is rather simple. Chifuyu said he'd take him and Peke J to the mall later to get some more toys for him, that was enough to satisfy Takemichi.

"Ke," Takemichi said. "Ke?" "A nickname. Do you like it?" "It's cute," Chifuyu said. "But not as cute as my nickname for you." Takemichi felt embarrassed and flustered too. "Oh shut it..." "You like it don't you-," Chifuyu said and Takemichi covered his mouth. "Don't tease me." "I'm not," Chifuyu said and picked Takemichi up, bridal style.

"I'll bring you to the car, yeah?" "Fine..."

"Somehow," Kazutora said once they left. "I feel more jealous than before, that rat." "Don't call him that," Baji said. "He did warn you, it was your idea anyway. We should just be happy that it isn't a literal animal he's paying attention to."

"Heyyy," someone said flirtatiously to Takemichi. "Not again," he sighed. "Byeee," Chifuyu said back to the girl. "You're mine," Chifuyu said and hugged Takemichi. Takemichi hugged him back, "Okay, I'm your's, but that doesn't change the fact that I am so hot, practically irresistible if you ask me."

"Meow," the cat whined, Chifuyu had been squeezing it alive, along with Takemichi. 

"Way to ruin a moment here. That sure does seem like something you're good at," Chifuyu said.

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