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Takemichi was shoved into the car and off they went. "Where are we going...," Takemichi asked, thinking about the food he had never gotten to finishing.  "Don't worry mini Michi," Kazutora said and turned on the car's engine. "We will be having a date! We haven't had one in a while since we adopted Daiki and Chiyo." "That doesn't tell me where," Takemichi says. "HEY," Takemichi says. "Chi uncover my eyes!" "I can't do it yet, it's a surprise!" 

The car engine stops and Takemichi is taken back out of the car. "I still can't see." Someone picks up Takemichi and carries him somewhere. "Okay, there," Chifuyu says, as he uncovers Takemichi's eyes. "Oh I think I remember this place!" Takemichi looks around at all the tables and chairs, "Isn't this expensive? You guys don't need to do that-," Takemichi says and gets cut off by a kiss from Chifuyu, "We are going anyway," he says. "Let's go check in," Baji says. Then the four boys go to the front and Kazutora checks in as the others go to find a table.

"So by us you meant Kazu," Takemichi asks them. "Well," Baji says, "You usually do but now you are tiny Take, so I don't know of you've ever done that before-" "Yes, I have. I was an adult too you know," Takemichi whines. "There you are," Kazutora says, as he walks over to them. "You found the spot, you still like the corner seats I see." "Of course," Takemichi says and sits down in the exact spot where the corner is, "It is the best and-" "-Most comfortable spot you can eat at," Chifuyu finishes and smiles. "I am really that obvious?" "Yes you are," Baji says, "Although I think it's quite adorable." 

"What would you like to eat today?" Takemichi takes the menu, way too excited, to the point he seemed a bit it rude and Chifuyu had to pull him back into his seat. "Thank you," Takemichi says. The waiter walks away and another waiter shows up. "Ashi!!" "Takemichi. Quiet down," Ashi says, "I don't want to lose this job. Is he okay," she asks the other three boys. "He's acting weirder than usual, louder too, almost like his high school self." "He's just happy we are finally going on a date," Kazutora says and covers for Takemichi.

"Different," Takemichi says in a questioningly tone. "Yes, different," Baji says. "Now that I think about it," Kazutora says, "You act more like you would at school, more mature." "That's so tiring! I guess I'll respect "other" me then." "You know you don't have to do that," Kazutora laughs. "Yeah, we love you either way," Chifuyu says. "Be you," Baji says and pokes the middle of Takemichi's chest.

Ashi just stood there, she didn't understand a single thing, "Let's just get your orders."

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