Meet the New Boss part 2 (R)

Start from the beginning

Luis then stands up and menacingly threatened the other customers, "Look, if information leaks 'bout this meeting. Rest assured, I will come for you and your family!"

That seemed to frighten the customers enough. Looking grumpy but satisfied, Luis left.

And after an hour or two, I paid for my meal, apparently, I got an 80% discount, so that was convenient.

By now, it was nearing midnight, and the rain didn't seem to slow down. Might as well retire to the ol' hotel room. Since tomorrow would be a fun time... not.


Next day

It's 5 AM and I'm already doing paperwork. While it may just be a plain white paper being scribbled on, it contains my future plans. Especially when Fantasma died. I need to find a new client.

A loyal client. Someone who is willing to buy my weapons that I offer them at a slightly higher cost than average. Meaning it has to be someone desperate enough to do so. Or someone rich, that could work.

Oh yeah. First of all, I need to replenish my stock... that shouldn't be too hard, right?

Now that I think of it, why not contract DWL and Raythean? Surely they won't mind some... under the table dealings. A sufficient enough LMD would lure them in... heck, why not get them to license their products to Liberico?

Hmm... yes, I got it. Sherry would probably be pissed, though.

Setting that aside, I contacted a private investigator that would help me locate Fantasma's and Luis' sister, Mary. I would meet him in at his office, some couple blocks away from here.

I should get ready.

And yes, I will be carrying both my briefcase and guitar case.

It wasn't raining, at least, not a heavy rain. Just a gentle drizzle that painted the city streets with a shimmering sheen. The air was filled with a delicate mist, casting a mystical aura over the surroundings. Pedestrians hurried along, clutching their umbrellas tightly, their footsteps echoing softly against the wet pavement. Or maybe they just fear what the mafias have in store for today.

The walk to the private investigator's office was uneventful.

I quite enjoyed the walk, however. The urban landscape seemed to take on a different character in the misty drizzle. The towering imposing buildings of Siracusan architecture that normally exuded an air of dominance now appeared softened and mysterious, their edges blurred by the haze.

Especially in this time of day, the streetlights that illuminate the city is getting turned off one by one, signalling the turn of a new day.

I arrived in front of the private investigator's office building. It's nothing too remarkable. Bar the graffiti on the walls.

I entered the building through the front door and walked up the stairs, eventually reaching a door with a sign that said "Antonio P. Sarkozy, private investigator."

Well, Mr. Sarkozy, let's see how good of a private investigator you are.

I knocked on the door. And soon enough, the door opened and revealed a tall Lupo man with a dishevelled appearance.

"Anything you need?" He said in a tired voice.

"Yes. I need a private investigator." I state.

"Ah! Then you've come to the right place! Come in, my friend!" He brightens up and steps aside and gestured to me to get in, revealing the absolute state of his office.

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