Detective Reyes

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Setting: Carlos decided to become a detective.
1. Carlos is studying for his exam and TK helps him
2. While Carlos takes the exam his family waits outside. Will he pass?
3. Dinner with the family

Detective Reyes 1

He can do this. He's so ready. This is what he's meant to do, to be. A detective. The last years showed him that he's ready. That he really wants to do htis. He's ready. But he's not ready. He's nervous. What if he screws up? How would that feel? What would TK think who has been nothing but supportive about his decision? What would his collegues think when he comes back to work still as Officer Reyes? What would his dad think when he doesn't make it as Ranger Reyes the second? One thing is sure. TK won't care. He just wants them both to be happy and healthy and together.

Carlos catches himself pacing and overthinking instead of studying or even better sleeping. Yes sleep would be good. He has his exam at 10.30 am so he has to get up pretty early since he also wants to eat breakfast with TK who took the day off for Carlos big day. Now it's shortly after 1 and Carlos doesn't feel nearly as tired as he should. He can't sleep. He needs to make sure that he knows everything he needs.


Carlos pacing and panicing gets interrupted by TK's soft and tired voice "What are you doing?". "I wanted to go through the stuff again" Carlos answers. He stops pacing and turns towards his fiancé. He can't wait to marry that man now that everything is fine again. "You did. And what are you doing now?" the paramedic asks further and Carlos sighs "Pacing and thinking". "Thinking about what?" TK asks further, takes his boyfriends hand and sits them both down on the couch.

"I really want to get this. Want to make it right and you and my dad and everyone else proud" the cop mumbles and leans against TK heavily. "You know I'm always proud of you right? And even tho he doesn't always show it your dad is too" the other man says and kisses Carlos on the top of his head. "I know. I'm just so focused on it. Since a longer time now. You know it. All the nights we spend here, me trying to solve a case and you supporting me, eventually falling asleep. I really want to do this" Carlos tells.

"You want to make yourself proud baby" TK states "And you will. Sit straight. Come one". Carlos does so, reluctantly, but his hand immediatly finds TK's. "Now what did you look through already and where can I help?" the paramedic asks and takes the stack pf paper in his hand. So together they sort everything quickly and TK helps Carlos repeating stuff, gaining safety in knowing everything he needs for his exam.


Around 3 they went through everything and TK kisses Carlos proudly "You did well. I'm sure you'll do well tomorrow too. But now let's go to bed so you at least get some sleep". "Okay" the cop answers. Now he realizes how tired he is and TK's yawn seems containious as he starts to yawn too. The couple stands up, turns off the lights and falls asleep on the bed, cuddled under the blanket.

Detective Reyes 2

"What is taking them so long?" TK asks impatiently. He's pacing up and down the pavement nervously. They palnned on waiting inside but after some time decided that fresh air will do them all good while they wait. "Carlos needs to focus on the exam and takes his time. They need to go through it to give him the result. Plus some time for formalities and some light polite talking" Gabriel tells, his experience speaking for him.

If he's as nervous as TK he's hiding it very well. Andrea is somewhere in the middle. Not as nervous as TK and not as calm as her husband. "No matter what they say tonight you're coming for dinner and I cook Feijuada" Andrea insists and to that TK never says no. He loves Andreas food and she certainly passed the talekt onto her son.


Some moments that felt like forever later the door opens and TK immediatly stops pacing when he sees Carlos. By now he can read him well but at this moment Carlos is unreadable. Alook to Gabriel tells him that he can't either and to his left Andrea also looks confused at her son. Oh oh. This can't be good news. When Carlos is happy you can always see it. His eyes give it away even when he tries to hide his smile.

"Mijo how did it go?" Andrea breaks the silence. "They... Uhm-" Carlos stutters while closing the distance to his family. TK frowns. He wants to open his arms for his fiancé and tell him everythng will be alright but he doesn't make it that far because once Carlos reached the group of three he starts smiling "I've got 96%". "What!? Babe that's amazing" TK says and hugs his boyfriend tightly before kissing him. They both smile into the kiss and separate again shortly after. Andrea pulls her son into a hug after TK  and kisses his cheek "Well done mijo. I'm very proud of you". Last but not least Gabriel hugs his son before he takes a step back and shakes his hand "Detective Reyes it will be a pleasure working with you". "You too Sir" Carlos answers with a wide smile on his lips and his eyes shining with glee.

"You two will have dinner at our place" Andrea tells her son who says "Awesome. TK has to go to his dad's real quick but I come with you to cook with you. It's been forever since we cooked together". Then he looks at the time and reminds TK that he needs to go so he and Owen have enough time before the older Strand has to go to his shift. The paramedic says goodbye to the Reyes family before he gets into the car and drives off. Carlos doesn't know it yet but TK and Owen meet with the whole house to plan a surprise congratulation party for Carlos for the day after tomorrow.

Detective Reyes 3

There's a knock at the door and Carlos runs to open. It can only be TK. He called about 20 minutes ago to say that he'll be on his way. The curly haired man opens the door with a wide smile, his eyes locking with TK's. They both shine brighter than the sun and in moments like these Carlos feels like he falls in love with TK all over again.

"Hey" the paramedic greets and Carlos answers "Hey you" before leaning in for a kiss. A long kiss. Like they haven't kissed for thousand years even tho it was just after the exam. Carlos pulls his fiancé in and closes the door behind him. If they wouldn't be at his parents house he would press TK against the wall and kiss him like there's no tomorrow. But okay. They'll just wait until they get home from dinner.

Intertwining their fingers Carlos takes TK to the kitchen where the dinner just got ready. The smell alone is so good that TK has to keep himself from drowning so quickly everyone sits down so they can eat. On one side Carlos and TK, their knees still touching so they have at least some physical contact. Opposite of them are sitting Gabriel and Andrea. While eating everyone chats happily about this and that, enjoying the food and complimenting the chefs.


After dinner they move the conversation to the living room. TK and Carlos share how they sometimes spend nights in the living room on the couch, TK attempting to help his boyfriend in some way, Carlos staying up all night and TK eventually falling asleep next to him. They talk about the times TK cooked dinner for the because Carlos eyes were glued to a screen or anything else to figure something out or even crack the case. Carlos tells his parents how much TK supported him with the exam, helped him study and calmed his nerves.

TK would do anything for his future husband and god he can't wait to marry Carlos. The othe rman wants this just as much. Every time he looks at TK he wants to say "I do" even more and even quicker. If they could get their dream venue tomorrow and there would be any way to organize everything so quick with the invitations and everything they would do it.

Dream wedding. Cake, suits, flowers, frineds and family and food. Tommy would at least once mention that Charles would've done it differently so it would taste better and everyone would laugh. He was an amazing cook. A few days off and a wonderful honeymoon, having some time for each other and only each other. That's the dream.


Around 11 in the evening TK and Carlos finally come home. While TK closes the door behind him Carlos takes off his shoues and jacket. TK too takes off his shoes and Carlos anticipatingly helps him out of his jacket while already pressing kisses to his fiancés neck. More and more. Longer and harder. When he kisses TK behind his earlobe, a very sensitive place Carlos knows, he hears a shuddred breath from him and smiles at that. With guided steps he moves them both to the bed, losing their shirts, pants and finally underwear on the way. There's no better way to end this perfect day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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