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Summary: After the little desaster with Lou the lizard TK brings home another surprise but this time Carlos totally accepts it
Missing scene set in 3x16

When TK came home with a lizard Carlos was shocked. Yes TK is right, he always wanted a pet. But he always thought it would be a cat or rather a dog. TK loves dogs too so when he came home with Lou Carlos was truly speechless.

After Lou escaped Carlos knew that they have to let him free. He loves TK but he can't live with a lizard. Luckily TK saw the same and the very next day they let him free. It's better for the three of them. Especially for Carlos.

But he should know it better. Know TK better. Sometimes this man blacks out and just does something or makes decisions without thinking about it properly. Bringing Lou home was probably one but now that he's gone again and they still want a pet the decision TK makes just seems natural.


"Hey babe" TK greets when he opens the door and comes in. "Hey" Carlos greets back. He doesn't look up and instead concentrates on the food cooking on the stove. "We're home" the paramedic says and closes the door behind him again. On that Carlos head snaps up "We?". "Yeah. You said you'd like a dog and I do too and even tho Lou is something different I liked having a pet at home" TK says.

"So you got us a dog?" the cop asks, turns down the stove and goes to his boyfriend. And the puppy next to him. A golden retriver. "I got him from the shelter. Love at first sight just like us. Even tho it took us a little longer to really get our shit together. Took me a little longer" TK says laughing. His boyfriend laughs too, crouching down to the cute puppy "Does he have a name?"

"No. Not yet. I wanted to wait so we can decide together" TK says "But you know how much responsibility a dog is and that we both have to work shifts right?" the cop asks further and his boyfrined nods "I know but dad and Mateo can manage to keep Buttercup happy and healthy and when they work the got a dog sitter. If they can do it we can too".

"Yeah okay. We will figure it out" Carlos agrees "We're a great team. You and me. And now him too". "We always are. That's what makes us, well us" the other man answers smiling and presses his lips on his boyfriends. "Now how about we eat and give this little boy here something to eat and then we can discuss names?" the paramedic asks.

"Sounds good. Dinner is ready in five minutes" Carlos says and goes back to the stove. "I get his food ready in the meantime" TK says and takes dog food from the bag he brought home with him out as well as two bowls to fill the second one with water.


The golden retriver sits next to the table, enjoying his dinner while TK and Carlos sit at the table and enjoy theirs. While eating the men discuss all different kind of names.

Something meaningful. Something cute. Something short? Or maybe something long and only they get to call him by a nickname? Something that sounds like a normal name or something that really sounds like a name for a pet? Maybe also something completely different.

"How's Sam?" Carlos asks "We can call him Sammy when he's a good boy and Sam when he's a bad boy". "Awww yeah. That's cute. I like it" TK answers and stands up to crouch down in front of the puppy "Sam? Do you like the name Sam and Sammy?". The dog barks high pitched, wiggling his little tail happily.

"I think he likes it" the paramedic says with a wide grin that makes Carlos heart melt. He loves seeing TK so happy. He chuckles "Yes he does. We do too. So Sammy is settled?". "Yes" TK answers so his boyfriend says "Then come back up here. Let's finish dinner so after that we can maybe watch a movie and cuddle or play with Sammy". "Now that's a good idea" TK answers and both start to laugh.

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