New York, New York

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Summary: TK and Carlos get three days off work and TK finally takes Carlos to New York for the first time

Of course TK and Carlos were nervous when they got into that plane. After what happened the last time TK took a step into a plane that's probably normal.

Last time. The last time they wanted to go to New York to go to Gwyn's funeral. Not exactly a happy visit to TK's old home but he still was a little exited that he gets to show Carlos New York. The city. His ld firehouse. Where he used to live and where he grew up. His favorite place to eat and his favorite place overall.

They never made it that far. Not even to the funeral. Or New York in first place. But TK was determined to one day take Carlos to New York and show him all of that. And more. His mothers grave is top of that list now.

It's all planned. They stay and Enzo's so TK can also spend some time with Jonah. Three days time to show Carlos around and spend some long needed time together without stress or calls or anything.


The couple is glad when they have firm ground underneth them again. There were no tourbulences but still. Enzo picks them up from the airport together with Jonah, happy to see TK again and exited to finally meet his boyfriend. Since the two men took an early flight and Jonah kept Enzo awake half of the night, everyone is tired when they get into the car and looking forward to some breakfast.

Once at Enzo's house the man puts his son to sleep for a few more hours before returning to the kitchen to eat breakfast with his visitors and catch up. On their way they picked up breakfast so they don't have to do anything besides making coffee now and while Enzo took care of Jonah TK and Carlos freshened up a little and put their stuff in the guest room.

For today TK wanted to do some normal sight seeing with Carlos. To show him everything that a normal tourist wants to see. But other than normal tourists who may take sight seeing busses or sign up for tour guides TK leads Carlos to the subway. TK is Carlos personal tour guide today and the other days they are here. Tomorrow TK wants to show Carlos the exclusive insights. The personal insights.

In the evening they help Enzo cooking and eat dinner together. Before it's bedtime for Jonah TK and Carlos play a little with him in the living room while at the same time giving Enzo some time alone before he has to put him to bed. Sure TK wants some quality time with his boyfriend but he also wants some more time with his baby brother. As much as he can get while he's here. So why not combine both?

When Enzo brings Jonah to bed Carlos and TK go to the guest room too. It's been a long day and they had to get up very early to catch their plane. They both change into something to sleep and go to the bathroom to get ready for bed. Once done they cuddle closer together and fall asleep in no time.


The next morning TK wakes up from screaming and crying. Without too much thinking, it's too early for that, he stands up and goes to his baby brother in the room next door. "Hey Jonah. Good morning" he mumbles with a tired smile and picks up his baby brother to hold him and calm him. "What woke you up eh?" he asks and discovers a moment later the stuffed elephant that feel on the ground. "Ah. I see" the Strand man says and picks it up with his free hand to give it back to Jonah who immediatly calms down again.

"Thanks" he hears a voice behind him. Enzo stands in the door frame, probably wanting to check up on Jonah when he heard him crying. "No problem. Good morning" TK answers "You look tired". "I'm okay" the man answers "Coffee is ready if you want". "Thanks. Get yourself some and we'll be there in a bit" the younger man answers and watches the other leave. Enzo offered to let TK and Carlos stay at his place so the last they could do is take care of Jonah and give Enzo a chance to have some moments for himself.

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