|85| The missing us

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"You sure?" I actually wanted to take it and any other day I would have, I knew he wouldn't mind but this time, I didn't. I don't really know why.

"More than sure. You can send me the picture while you are wearing it so I know it's actually you." He comes back and stops in front of me once again. "Arms up." He says and I obey without giving it a second thought, allowing him to put the sweatshirt on me. "It looks way better on you anyways, always has."

"Mia? You ready, kid!?" Rick shouts from somewhere around the house.

"Thank you." I smile at Carlos before turning around towards the door. "Give me a minute!"

Rick has been helping me a lot, not only by offering to come with me but in everything. And I really appreciate it. I like him, he has this kind of comforting almost father-like vibe, you can tell caring about others comes naturally to him. He is an amazing man, Carlos is really lucky to have him. And I guess now I am too.

"He really cares about you," Carlos states proudly, giving a step back so I can finish up packing my things.

I understand it's important to him that we get along, his father figure and his significant other...girlfriend? Partner? Labels suck.

"I care about him too, he is a great man." I smile and this time it actually reaches my eyes.

"I missed that," Carlos mutters softly also smiling while he stares at me as if I were his everything.

"Missed what?" I study him trying to figure out what he meant exactly even though in reality I think I already know what he meant.

"Seeing you smile like that." He confesses and those words which are probably the most beautiful things he has said to me cause my heart to wrench. Both in sadness and sympathy.

"I missed you seeing you smile too," I admit not able to look away from how beautiful he looks when he smiles. His whole face lights up, his faint smile lines pop through, and now with the stubble he is carrying is the first time in forever I'm able to notice the difference age and time made on his features. Sometimes I forget he is close to being in his late thirties, I guess I just never cared. I simply saw him. I wonder if he also just sees me.

"Kid! We are going to be late." Rick shouts again this time a little more desperate.

He doesn't have much patience... he is such a dad.

"Go, before he blames it on me. He isn't real happy with me already I don't need more of his commentary, he is insufferable enough." I can tell he is joking but it's true that Rick has been giving him a hard time. I kind of blame myself for that one too, I didn't want anything to happen between them but it's not like I said anything to Rick, he just reacted this way. He is worried about him.

"I will see you tomorrow, okay?" I smile not really wanting to let him go.

He bends down, kisses me on the lips, and then whispers before letting me go. "I will miss you."

I don't say it back because I don't have to, as I leave the room looking back at him I'm sure that my eyes tell him everything that he needs.

Author's note

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Author's note

As always if you are here ty for reading and don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts!

Well, I don't really know what to say except for get ready for what it's about to come and I'm sorry. Don't hate me.

Next chapter is going to be a long one, a big one too, I have been thinking about it and the ones that will follow for weeks now, maybe even months. It was a tough one to write and idk if I did it justice I will probably go through it a thousand times and edit before updating lol so it might take longer than usual, depending on how much I overthink it.

Hopefully I will be able to pull this off, I'm really proud of this story and I love Carlos and Mia so much, I need them to give them a worthy ending. I hope you all will think the same way.

As always, theories and thoughts always welcomed <3

Sending so much love,

The Devil's Redemption | ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ