Part 9

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Y/n pov:

I sit and listen mindlessly to Itachi trying to calm down his fuming girlfriend on the phone.

Though the feeling of my heart dropping lower than the bottom of the ocean once I realized that I was just the motherfucking side chick for him hurt like a bitch. I told him to break up with her if he really wants us to be even a thing, considering that there was also the impediment of our statuses.

How could I be so oblivious to it all? Now what do I even do? Blame it on the red string? Or accept that I'm a dumb bitch who was so in love with him that she overlooked everything?

It's my fault. It was all very clear from the moment he didn't specify if he broke up with her or not. How can I not blame myself? I literally didn't want to know. I was content with it because what I don't know, can't hurt me.

As long as I lived in my happy bubble of finally having Itachi, I was content. This one's on me.

Lost in all these thoughts, I don't even notice Itachi ending the call already after some minutes.

He looks at me with an apologetic face, but I wasn't having it at all. No matter how much I loved him.

"Why didn't you break up with her?" I blurt out the question when he doesn't utter anything

"I don't know."

A response that has me scoffing and rolling my eyes back.

"You don't know?" I throw my hands exasperated "Itachi, if you want her, that's fine, go. She's been your girlfriend for what now? Years probably. But don't play with me while you are just having one of your stupid masculine moments and want to cheat on that poor girl." I raise my voice and point at him "I'm not just a second option!"

Itachi's eyes widen and he came closer to me. I don't think he expected me to go off like this, since I was always more quiet and shy around him. But right now I had enough.

"It's not like that at all Y/n!" he tries to defend himself irritated

He sounded so pathetic right now that not even my infatuation was helping his case.

"Then what is it like, Itachi?!"

"I am going to break up with her! I just..." Itachi pinches the bridge of his nose getting frustrated "I was afraid of how things might turn out."

I start laughing, but it wasn't because I found this amusing at all.

"So that's it? I was just a what if? If you really like me then you break up with your girlfriend and if I don't meet your expectations you just go back to her like you didn't do anything? What a fucking scumbag you are, Itachi Uchiha. And you know what? Get the hell out of my house and leave me alone. Contact me when you grow some balls and stop being a cheater."

I push him near the door so he can leave but he grabs my wrist tightly "Y/n, please." he sounded desperate, but I was too furious with him right now

"No Itachi! You hurt me, and you're hurting the other girl too. You can't have both! As the saying goes, chase two rabbits catch none." I harshly grab my wrist out of his grip and glare at him "Get out of my house. And sort your shit out."

He looks over my face searching for something, a clue, anything that would tell him he can mend the situation right now. But with my furrowed brows and dropped smile there is no hint of me forgiving him anytime soon.

"I'll fix things." was all he said before he left and I slammed the door after him

Fix things my ass, Itachi. What is there to fix? You're a cheater. An asshole. Who's to say you wouldn't do the same to me?

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