Part 8

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Dear Diary,

Itachi is the sweetest man alive! He drives us both to uni and back... everyday. I have noticed that our schedules don't really match, but he still does it. Why is he doing it?

It feels like everyday it's getting harder and harder to resist kissing him or just begging him to make me his. Both physically and officially. I'm losing my mind over every small touch.

I want to stay away, I want to stop. What would my mother think of this? Seeing a teacher... this is not good at all! But every single time that I try to stay away from him, fate somehow, someway pulls us back together. I can't go about my day nowadays without seeing him at least once.

It feels like the Universe is very adamant about us being together.

He still didn't bring in the conversation the topic that interested me the most... if he did or didn't break up with his girlfriend. And with each day that I spend with him, my heart is pushing me more and more not to care about the poor girl anymore.

I don't want her to suffer. I'm not a homewrecker. But it gets harder and harder. Particularly... no, not particularly, exactly whenever his fingers would barely touch my skin.

I crumble under his touch faster than imaginable.

I'm not sure how he can keep a straight face while obviously checking me out, or whenever his hands would touch parts that should... not be touched, in the elevator, giving a poor excuse as "it was an accident".

Accidents don't happen almost daily, Itachi. And you are also becoming too fond of my teacup. Too intense with your slurping. It almost feels like you take your sweet time having your mouth on my teacup in the library. And always it would be the exact part where my lips would sip from right before.

Do you want to know how my lips taste just as much as I want to know how yours taste?

If the answer is yes, I'm afraid that I have to inform you that my impulses go beyond that, Itachi.

I want to know how you look while waking up with your hair all over the place, or perhaps you keep it in that ponytail at night too.

I want to know how your face looks when you are feeling pleasure. When you are on cloud nine. When you hit it. No, the thing I want most to know is how you look when you are inside. How you would feel inside me.

I want to know how your love tastes. Or perhaps, how you taste.

I want you.

Please, let me have the privilege of having the knowledge of all these things. Of all of you. I want to know you better than my favorite book that I've read 15 times.

Please please please please please please please.

Itachi closes the journal as fast as he can when he hears his dear Y/n coming back to the couch with his asked drink, forest fruits tea. The troublesome notebook is being placed by him back on its original spot, Y/n's desk like nothing happened.

He acts according to his name gifted by his mother, and no emotion leaves his face, you would never even know he just snooped in your damned diary.

But Itachi doesn't think beforehand that some things cannot be that simply covered. Like the very proeminent bulge in his pants that was growing by the second.

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