Chapter 11

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Abis Mal and Haroud were at the village and looking at the palace and decided to do it again like taking over Agrabah.

"I'm too old for this" said Haroud

"Quit complaining Haroud" said Abis Mal

They ran to the palace and they beat the guards.

Meanwhile in Amelia's room, she was at her balcony, thinking about seeing Rachel again.

"Come on Amelia, there's nothing to be sad about it" said Genie when he came in.

"I just couldn't believe my grandfather would do that 16 years ago, if he thought of something else, I would of been with my real family" said Amelia

Genie put his hands on her shoulder, she raised her head up to Genie and he said "if that happened, your parents would of wished that they want a child".

Then all the suddenly, they heard commotion down there, they are two guys beating the guards and they went in the palace.

"Abis Mal and Haroud" said Genie

"Who are they" said Amelia

They went to the room and Genie said to her "they been trying to take over the palace a lot of times years ago, now I'm going to take care of them".

Amelia stopped him and said "I want to help too"

"Sorry sweetie it's too dangerous" said Genie

"I'm 16 years old Genie" said Amelia

"I know but I bet your parents would prefer you to stay here so you won't get hurt" so as Genie

When he left, Amelia went to her bed and said "my parents always say that and I kept telling them I'm not a child anymore".

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