Chapter 2

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The next day, in the village, a man was walking around the market place with his 5 year old daughter Rachel.

"Daddy, is the baby born yet" said Rachel

"Soon Rachel soon" said the man

When they got in front of their house, the baby cries.

He immediately went into his house and the nurse looked very sad and said "its a girl".

He open up the curtain and it was his wife holding their newborn daughter.

"This is going to be dangerous, it's not safe for the baby, what are we going to do" said the wife

"We'll think of something" said the man

"They're going to take my baby" said the wife

"No" said the man

His wife starts to cry and yelled "THEY'RE GOING TO TAKE MY BABY"

"That will never happen, we have to think about hiding her" said the man

"Well it's got to be somewhere that the guards would never look" said the wife

She had an idea but she was scared to say it to her husband, but he wanted to know the answer so she said "we should put her in the river"

The man said "what are you saying, is this the child that you just gave birth to".

"Honey, it's the best thing I could think of" said the wife

Few days later, she grab a giant basket that the child would fit in, she put some of the bottom of the basket so the water couldn't go in the basket.

They put the blankets in the basket and they put their daughter in the basket and they and Rachel ran off so the guards won't see them.

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