The Touch

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Rose needed help again one afternoon and I decided to join her to get back into the groove of tutoring. While having chats about what each of us did on the holidays, discussing physics, and math, everything was as usual. It was just the three of us in the classroom and after I had worked on my homework, I eventually put it away and was looking at Rose's physics homework and discussing what I knew with her and Zhang. I never did physics when the sciences separated, but I was always good at it. Both Zhang and I were assisting, and he would correct me or explain a concept that was more advanced than what I had previous knowledge on. "Why didn't you choose physics, instead of Science 21?" it had been a topic of many discussions, 'why was I doing the easy science?'

"Well physics doesn't have a CSI unit, plus I hate physics. I'm good at it, but I hate it!" my reply was sharp and flirtatious, and I could see him smirking from the corner of my eye. 'Did he want me to be in his physics class?'
"You know, you understand these concepts better than some of the others, right? You would've done well."
"Um... can you explain this to me?" Rose interrupted our moment; I was so caught up I forgot we were here for her tutoring. Zhang's chair was positioned in front on mine, and we were sitting face to face, so when he leaned forward his elbows on his knees to see the question, I felt a tingle as I realised one of his fingers had slightly grazed my leg. In this moment my initial thought was to move away, but I knew he would move away after he realised what had happened; however, both of us remained, his finger resting against my shin. I was determined not to move to let this moment last forever, and he also remained unmoving, his finger slightly touching more of my leg. Both Zhang and I focused on Rose's paper and he cooly explained to her the concept and which equation to use to solve it. We weren't looking at each other but we remained touching in this secret moment. All too soon, it was over as he adjusted both hands above the desk to continue. I could feel the heat rising in my ears as I realised, I hadn't shaved my legs and my usually soft legs were cactus like, and extremely off putting. The embarrassment I felt was tangible, I knew he was avoiding my gaze. 'Did he even know he was touching my leg? Maybe he didn't realise, it was only his fingertip. Why did it happen today, tonight is when I shave!!' In my head I was screaming thoughts, but my face remained straight and emotionless. When I got home that evening, I told mum all about it and, my heart swelling with excitement, and then embarrassment again as I touched my hairy legs. In the shower as I shaved that night, I still felt the lingering touch of his finger on my leg. 

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